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i think i finally figured it out
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video sources like 'yuvtestsrc' require the 'lavfi' specifier before it to work
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is there a way for videos to have transparent areas?
or is that only for images? I want to overlay a video with top part solid and bottom part transparent but for a logo, then take the whole thing overlaid onto another vid
the current way i'm doing it is to put the logo and top video on separately
there are some formats that have proper alpha support, such as Ut Video
then there's various formats where it's a randomly tacked on feature, where it's usually a secondary picture that needs to be completely separately decoded
which is what the VPx series of video formats has had, or how the HEVC spec was extended
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hmm, sounds like too much work
everything is 264 anyway
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johnjaye: if it's just for an intermediate file then ffv1 and some other lossless codecs support it
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ah yes. ffmpeg video codec #1
it sounds like you could do it without an intermediate though
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well i think i figured out how to get drawtext filter to work on windows
so i think it's moot either way. i was trying to figure out if i want to put these 10 video clips plus the 10 logos/subtitles on
i.e. all vids first then the logos. or do 1 vid + 1 logo at a time. the problem being the logo goes on the bottom and the overlay vid on top
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