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xx Without a plus it will be the only fflag, if you use a plus it adds to existing ones and can specify multiple +bitexact+fastseek+genpts+igndts etc
Not sure if -bitexact is even a thing, if it works then its probably just a shortcut
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hm my Pi produces a different hash and yet another different filesize, but at least within the same ballpark as my workstation, not 10x the size as what they're expected to be
xx: -flags is for libavcodec, -fflags is for libavformat
i think -bitexact just enables both
the docs imply that but i've never tried it
ThePendulum: what's the exact command
if you're getting three different hashes for the same video then something weird is happening
direct output to png or jpg seems fine however
noobaroo: -bitexact is documented but the documentation is not explaining it well
ThePendulum: what happens without -c:v ppm
with png instead of ppm still different hashes, let me try without entirely
without -c:v it just tests the decoder
granted idk why -c:v ppm would break it because ppm doesn't have any metadata that could be different
without it still different hash
let me remove the other options too
so just ffmpeg -i "$1" -f hash -, still gives three different hashes
well that's no good
consistent between runs on each device locally though
does it happen with other videos
let me try, I'm already using a different video than I was when I first noticed the images that it was spitting out went from 3MB to 24MB between my PC and my NAS
ooo interesting those are the same, let me try now with the original video again
alright so the original videos also produce the same hash without any of the flags, let me see what happens if I put the flags back
video is longer so it takes a while to run
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still the same hash now... alright, so I suppose the fact it was generating a different hash for the other video file is a different possibly unrelated issue
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alright, that was indeed a red herring, still curious why that was happening, but when I use the imagemagick appimage on both machines the images output is the same, so evidently the main issue is with imagemagick
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well at least you didn't find a serious bug in ffmpeg
there's still the question why it was outputting different hashes for the test file :P
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Ok thanks. I think rhe issue is i had null output which seems to do pcm 16bit: Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (dts (dca) -> pcm_s16le (native))
that's the default audio "codec" for null
see `ffmpeg -h muxer=null`
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When i record video with -f x11grab and audio with -f pulse, then pressing "q" to stop cuts last 2 seconds of audio. On the other hand, when recording with a given time limit (-t 10), then whoel audio is kept
Is it a known issue?
it should write out everything that's in the buffers of the tool
is this on which version of FFmpeg btw?
Debian stable, ffmpeg version 5.1.6-0+deb12u1
I think that happens only with pipewire-pulse though
Let me check on a laptop where i use pulseaudio globally
Is it possible to speed up loudnorm some? It seems to be single threaded when I run it.
same thin on the laptop with pulseaudio and ffmpeg 7.1. I will check these builds
same thing.
this will spam a lot, but should show all reads and writes in the tool, `-v verbose -debug_ts`
in other words, does the ffmpeg tool even receive audio packets with such timestamps
might be worth doing `2> funky.log`
verbose log level by itself btw is the one I utilize, highest one that doesn't spam (and provides some additional useful info). debug_ts is the one that logs movements of packets and frames within ffmpeg the tool
will test. Btw before a moment i split the audio and video into separate files with -map 0:v video.mp4 and -map 1:a audio.mp4 and the audio stream is 9.18, video 11.11 in length
I would first look at how demuxer+tsfixup looks like, since that zeroes the start time in general (starts from zero)
demuxer is basically as ffmpeg the tool reads from the input module
and the +tsfixup just notes that those values are after ffmpeg makes adjustments to the received packet's fields
yea just by looking at the highlighting of lines matching ist_index:1 with demuxer+tsfixup, it seems like the pulse input is only receiving data in bursts
since all inputs are running in their own threads in this new of a version
it seems like either the pulse side or the pulse reader module are having a bit more than a second (1.2 or so?) there of buffer, so that plus the input thread getting killed at a specific time leads to the audio finishing up quicker
but this basically means that the command line tool is fine, just that it has no such input (audio module returns data in bursts)
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check `ffmpeg -h demuxer=pulse`
if there is a relevant option
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there's frame_size and fragment_size
does not seem to help
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but I wonder how come nobody bumped onto this. There's one eaxct same issue from 8 years ago
Is there a filter like showfreqs that also displays the scale so that I can see what frequenzy is across the x axis?
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I'm copying a MOV file into MP4 and using -filter_complex "[0:v:0]thumbnail,scale=320:-2,trim=start_frame=0:end_frame=1[thumb]" \ to generate and add a thumbnail as disposition in the same command. Everything works fine.
The playback is also fine
The problem is that if I examine it with ffprobe, I see a warning "stream 0, timescale not set" which I think is the thumbnail stream
how would I fix it in the simplest way?
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Can you "engineer" a HLS playlist so it loops a single segment multiple times?
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copying the same segment multiple times just results into DTS/PTS issues, it seems, obviously it wasn't meant to be that simple :)
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There is no #sox channel on Libera nor OFTC, I'm starting to experiment with the program directly instead of using ffmpeg's version. What is the difference between the lowpass effect and the sinc effect ? From wikipedia page about "sinc filter" I can see it's a type of lowpass filter
The sox lowpass effect seems to do the job either very poorly or not at all, according to audacity. The sinc filter works perfectly.
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gotta signal a discontinuity before every repeat
Though I think ffmpeg just ignores that tag anyway
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should be. But should also make zero difference for ffmpeg
the tag is ignored completely
Other stuff might care about it though
ffplay chokes on it :(
Could very much see that happen, yeah. ffplay is not intended as a complete player
VLC stops after 1st segment, too
VLC should handle it
Try with the discontinuity
nope, it stops at 8s with
main error: Timestamp conversion failed for 7466667: no reference clock
main error: Could not convert timestamp 0 for FFmpeg
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-filter_complex "[0:v:0]thumbnail,scale=320:-2,trim=start_frame=0:end_frame=1[thumb]" is causing stream 0, timescale not set warning, is there a way to prevent this warning?