michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 6.1.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.0 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
<cone-001> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt n7.1-dev:HEAD: avcodec/wavpack: Remove always-false check
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<Lynne> happy release
<Lynne> mkver: planning for 7.1 already?
<jamrial> Lynne: that was me, and it's the typical post branch tag
<jamrial> it ensures git describe doesn't refer to an old release
<andrewrk> congrats!
<Lynne> oh, right, I didn't know it was manual
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<Marth64> +1 to happy release
<Sean_McG> same
<Sean_McG> just for my own edification -- are we trying to do quarterly (or sooner) releases? is there some way I can help make sure we meet that?
<Lynne> once every few months
<Lynne> yeah, by simply making releases not as special
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<Marth64> user support channel #ffmpeg topic still says 6.0 whenever an op gets a chance
<Marth64> here is fancy color version:
<Marth64> -~ FFmpeg 7.0 is released !~-
<Marth64> (compatible irc client required to see colors, but most should work)
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<blb> congrats on 7.0 y'all
<Lynne> minor releases get the best features
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<Marth64> 7.1 will be awesome
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<Marth64> some user-friendliness thing has been bugging me though since 6.1. if you remux to a format that supports setting colorspace info (eg mkv) and you set for example -color_primaries, CLI will log a warning saying the attribute isn't used (as its a streamcopy). but on the format metadata, the attribute is actually being set. so the log message is misleading, and wouldn't print in that
<Marth64> scenario prior to 6.1
<Marth64> at least as of 2 wks ago i still noticed it, i'll check again tomorrow. its harmless just confusing-ish
<Marth64> on the format's stream metadata*
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<andrewrk> Lynne: do you have any suggestions for debugging why there is a discrepancy the results from av_rdft_calc vs the reference implementation? https://clbin.com/OXxHA
<Lynne> andrewrk: which reference?
<andrewrk> `fpcalc test/data/test.mp3`
<Lynne> what is buggy?
<Lynne> is reference libchromaprint?
<andrewrk> big picture: my implementation gets a lower match score on some songs, and fails the match on other songs, compared to fpcalc
<andrewrk> in this data that I linked: some of the values returned from av_rdft_calc seem too much different from the results that fpcalc receives (particularly the second value in the first row)
<andrewrk> I guess I'll try visualizing each frame of input to av_rdft_calc and try to spot a difference
<Marth64> you can maybe checksum chunks of the video with streamhash and compare to a known sample to narrow down where the difference is, if the difference is time based
<Marth64> (i am not a dsp expert)
<Marth64> saves you visual strain if its feasible for your work
<Lynne> what is fpcalc?
<andrewrk> fpcalc is the command line tool bundled with libchromaprint that inputs a file and outputs an acoustid fingerprint
<Lynne> oh, and it also outputs the coefficients?
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<andrewrk> aha, I visualized the input to av_rdft_calc and noticed that only the first third of the window is populated with data
<andrewrk> which, suspiciously, corresponds to the hop_size (window_size / 3)
<Lynne> you're not using av_tx, right?
<Lynne> av_rdft is a wrapper around it which moves the coefficient to [1] for compatibility
<Lynne> the reference makes no sense
<Lynne> since [1] must be either a real DC value (old av_rdft-style), or exactly [0] (everything else)
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<Lynne> is there a way to set the frame size for an encoder which supports that?
<andrewrk> are you suggesting libchromaprint is using the ffmpeg API incorrectly?
<Lynne> make sure you're using the same ffmpeg version for both
<Lynne> *the same*
<andrewrk> I'm not
<andrewrk> will check that now
<Lynne> they also have no idea what they're doing, they're taking the square of the current complex number's imaginary and the next complex number's real
<Lynne> oh, nevermind
<andrewrk> the reference fpcalc I have built from source is with ffmpeg 5.1.3
<andrewrk> however my project is currently on 6.1.1
<psykose> you can build fpcalc against 6.1.1 too with like one patch
<andrewrk> my new desktop built ffmpeg 6.1.1 in 25 seconds 🤩
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<andrewrk> the fpcalc I have built from source against ffmpeg 6.1.1 produces byte-for-byte identical output for the example song as the system provided fpcalc which is on ffmpeg 4.x
<andrewrk> so, there must be some problem introduced by my implementation
<Lynne> use 7.0 just in case, because of 90adef99cab46ed1791c8096ac2ac0b89f67a266 causing overreads
<andrewrk> ok
<andrewrk> visualization of the first window (4096 samples) given to av_rdft_calc: https://i.imgur.com/rzJY2dK.png
<andrewrk> it seems fine right?
<Lynne> phase-wise, yes, but why is the peak not on the left?
<andrewrk> because of the hamming window, I thought? it looks like a bell curve
<andrewrk> https://i.imgur.com/f9iqfds.png same thing but with reference overlaid on top. green is reference; magenta is mine
<andrewrk> are these differences significant enough to be problematic do you think? could this be due to using the av filter graph vs a direct call to av_resample?
<andrewrk> or maybe my decision to use flt instead of int16
<andrewrk> oh, you're asking why not orient the waveform vertically?
<andrewrk> good idea
<Lynne> no, that's frequency spectrum, right?
<andrewrk> no it's a waveform because it's the input to av_rdft_calc
<andrewrk> which, according to my understanding, is what produces the frequency spectrum
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<andrewrk> I'm trying to understand where error is creeping in in my implementation and I'm lacking the DSP experience to know where it is
<andrewrk> or rather to know what it looks like
<andrewrk> I guess I'll produce visualizations of the entire process for starters
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<Lynne> it's not an input issue, I think
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<kierank> posted on X about 7.0
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<kierank> loool
<another|> that tweet popped up in various forms everywhere in my feed
<Daemon404> i swear half the comments are about using chatgpt to make ffmpeg cli arfs
<Daemon404> why learn when you can not
<elenril> yeah...
<elenril> people keep hurfing how our documentation is so horrible, but when I try writing some nobody reads it
<aaabbb> i always read the documentation :(
<elenril> you're in the minority then
<elenril> a very tiny one
<aaabbb> i guess ms would consider me overqualified, since i read documentation
<Daemon404> afaict the average cli user doesnt even understand what order to put options in
<Daemon404> (before -i etc)
<elenril> even though it's said very clearly in the very first section
<elenril> and in the one-line synopsis even
<aaabbb> people often don't understand the implications even if it's explained there. it's not because ffmpeg is hard to use, it's because audio/video is not trivial
<Daemon404> there is a set of people who just try stuff over and over instead of stopping to think
<Daemon404> human AI style
<Daemon404> aaabbb, true, one cannot understand howbto do something if they dont even know what they want to do.
<wbs> I saw one case of someone using ffmpeg, via a javascript api wrapping the ffmpeg cli invocations... wanting to do things like transcode something, shrink video, set framerate and bitrate etc. this was done by invoking N repeated ffmpeg calls, each time just setting one option for changing one aspect
<aaabbb> that's the first thing i learned when i got into av. my first fallacy is "wow this is a complex tool, how the hell do i understand it?" then it finally turned into "wow av is complex, how do i understand it?" and i finally started making progress
<Daemon404> wbs, we call that composability!
<aaabbb> wbs: generation loss stress tester? :D
<wbs> aaabbb: yup, pretty much!
<another|> I still see lots of `-r` options thrown around. Was under the impression you're rather supposed to use `fps` filter in most cases?
<Daemon404> -r does many thinga
<aaabbb> another|: really depends on the use case
<Daemon404> it is really a poor option
<Daemon404> overloaded functionaloty
<Daemon404> e.g. you can *sort of* use it to set rates on stuff like elementary streams and image sequences
<another|> hmm.. recently I actually had to use it for remuxing to the timebase I think
<another|> *to set the
<aaabbb> that's what i use it for. the fps filter on the other hand will happily drop or duplicate frames
<aaabbb> i've seen people misuse the poorly named framerate filter when they wanted to use fps...
<elenril> another|: for framerate conversion, -r has a more sophisticated algorithm
<elenril> which really should be folded into vf_fps, but it's float-based so it's not trivial
<another|> hmm.. oka
<JEEB> til the ffmpeg,c adhoc is more sophisticated
<JEEB> Daemon404: I see you dislike -r sometimes setting the rate, and sometimes "pls convert to this rate"
<Daemon404> it is classic 2006 ffmpeg
<Lynne> -re is my favorite ffmpeg.c flag
<jdek> lib(-re)mpeg
<Lynne> what it means: "send packets at just under realtime, as indicated by timestamps", very useful for when you want to starve a receiver
<JEEB> Lynne: :D at least that got a new name now
<JEEB> which lets you set the speed as float, too
<Daemon404> that sounds doomed to fail?
<elenril> doom9ed?
<another|> hmm.. is there a spec for ivf?
<Daemon404> no
<Daemon404> multimediawiki is the best youll get
<Daemon404> butnit is extrwmely simple
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<JEEB> yea it's not really a container, closer to annex
<JEEB> *annex b
<Lynne> simple, yet it still found a way to have unused fields
<Daemon404> also no way to get the duration of the last frame
<Daemon404> iirc
<Daemon404> yea
<JEEB> given that Duck video was On2 before On2
<JEEB> yea
<JEEB> TIL IVF was used by games :D
<elenril> Daemon404: it has been prophesied by John of Patmos that the duration of the last frame shall be revealed when the sixth seal is broken and the moon becomes as blood
<haasn> mkver: elenril: can you think of a conceivable case in which avcodec_get_supported_config() might error out?
<mkver> Besides allocation error?
<haasn> one case I can think of is when you pass an invalid configuraiton type, e.g. asking for supported pixel formats from an audio encoder
<jamrial> elenril: the duration of the last frame is the time it takes you to close the player
<mkver> haasn: Yeah, such stuff.
<haasn> I'm just thinking that the API would be easier to use if it directly returned the list rather than having you pass a pointer to write it to
<haasn> and also eliminates the possibility of failure, which I don't think should happen under reasonable circumstances - what codecs even need to dynamically allocate this list?
<haasn> avoids having to cast your output list to (const void **) also
<elenril> I can imagine that being useful for external library wrappers
<haasn> I guess
<elenril> then again it's not a very strong reason if none of the current ones need it
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<mkver> You would not not need to cast your output lists; you would just have to use an intermediate variable: void **tmp; AVPixelFormat *list; avcodec_get_supported_config(&tmp); list =tmp;
<mkver> Allocating the stuff gives us furthermore more freedom in the future. E.g. we may want to use more compact way to store stuff (like only uint64_t channel layouts instead of the complete AVChannelLayout).
<mkver> Or there might be genuine scenarios in which using static lists would be too cumbersome. External library wrappers might be such a usecase, as elenril has already pointed out.
<Daemon404> elenril, is that in 8.0?
<elenril> no, the sixth seal is not even deprecated yet
<elenril> patches welcome
<elenril> mwahaha, filtergraph chaining done
<Lynne> elenril: how does that work?
<elenril> one filtergraph -> another filtergraph
<Lynne> so it handles stuff like sink/buffer setup?
<elenril> -filter_complex [input]filter[bar]' -filter_complex '[bar]other_filter[out]'
<Lynne> it would be really neat to be able to arbitrarily insert filtergraphs via the API without an entire teardown process
<elenril> yeah, good luck with that
<elenril> lavfi needs some major changes before that is feasible
<JEEB> elenril: nice
<JEEB> since one of the problems with filter_complex is that there is just one right now
<elenril> no?
<JEEB> oh?
<elenril> you can have any number
<JEEB> cool
<elenril> though you're a second person in recent memory who thinks that, so apparently it needs to be documented better
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<JEEB> granted the other problem seems to be that AVStream metadata etc completely gets lost if you go through it
<JEEB> so you need to do -map_metadata for those, which then means you need to -map_metadata all the streams
<BBB> kierank: btw maybe we should re-share that bruce perens presentation also (on twitter/ffmpeg)
<kierank> maybe
<BBB> that's a high-profile person saying essentially the same thing
<ePirat> elenril, nice
<ePirat> elenril, also TIL I can have more than one filter_complex as well…
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<Sean_McG> mkver: \o/
<Sean_McG> mkver: again, thank you for looking at all of these issues
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<Daemon404> > Moving to c11 is bad, really bad. This is a dangerous road to follow, don't trust ISO on that matter which is literaly doing planned obsolescence on 5-10 years cycle with computer language feature creeps. C has to be simplified then going towards eternal stability, not the other way around. I suspect some toxic/scammy people got in (or brain washed).
<Daemon404> gotta love HN
<j-b> Daemon404: more clever than ISO
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<jamrial> just use the -no-iso-shadiness gcc option when compiling
* Sean_McG laughs
<Marth64> i saw some ffmpeg 7.0 release article too, so sad it was obviously ai generated
<Sean_McG> shouldn't expect much more than that these days
<Sean_McG> I'd love to know what this individual's concerns were with C11
<Marth64> probably an old timer scarred by an unrelated situation and now biased on it (which i honestly understand sometimes)
<Marth64> i've had this attitude the past few months on macOS. mostly because there are unremovable daemons that pull news/weather/telemetry/etc I don't want. now I am biased and don't trust the OS at all
<elenril> that kinda comes with buying apple
<Sean_McG> yup
<elenril> (which is why I never do)
<Marth64> they fit my mobile needs (laptop/phone) the best but now i am in the breakup process
<Marth64> anyways
<Sean_McG> :)
<elenril> mkver: looks sensible
<mkver> Thanks (the actual mail is somehow stuck somewhere).
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<cone-764> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:7b7b7819bd21: fate/ffmpeg: Avoid dependency on samples
<cone-764> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt release/7.0:265de29acb15: avcodec/wavpack: Remove always-false check
<mkver> Shit, I pushed the wrong commit.
<jamrial> mkver: just revert it if you think it doesn't beling in that branch. otherwise leave it
<cone-764> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt release/7.0:e2a1a4f581af: fate/ffmpeg: Avoid dependency on samples
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<haasn> elenril: init_static is also used to set up `int capabilities;` in some codecs
<haasn> do you reckon we should add capabilities to the get_supported_config API as well?
<haasn> if we really want to kill init_static completely
<haasn> and max_lowres
<haasn> maybe avcodec_get_capability() would be a better name as well
<jamrial> haasn: is there any encoder other than vp9 that sets capabilities in init_static?
<haasn> jamrial: av1
<elenril> jamrial: I don't see libvpx setting capabilities
<jamrial> elenril: ah, it was removed when we bumped min version for vpx. i remember it used to set experimental if it was too old
<jamrial> same as av1 is currently doing
<elenril> haasn: if it's just av1 setting the experimental flag, I'm sure we can figure out some way around it
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<elenril> e.g. not do it at all
<haasn> fair
<haasn> or just require new enough av1
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<haasn> to not need this backwards compatibility path
<elenril> yeah
<haasn> well, if there is some historical precedent, maybe codecs in the future will also want to dynamically set `capabilities`
<elenril> sucks to be them
<haasn> It seems to me that I should at least design the API in such a way that we _can_ conceivably add the capabilities
<haasn> and then not do that
<haasn> which basically means taking void *out instead of a const void **out_list
<jamrial> we can bump the minimum required version, yeah
<jamrial> v1 is really old
<haasn> will do that then
<elenril> haasn: if setting the experimental flag is the only reason, then I wouldn't bother
<elenril> if something really really needs it then we can just add new AVCodec instances
<elenril> libfoobar-experimental-do-not-use
<haasn> fair
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<jamrial> haasn, elenril: sent
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<haasn> nice, that cleans up a lot of things
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<haasn> can we drop X264_BUILD < 153
<haasn> that would clean up libx264.c as well
<jamrial> imo yeah. even debian old-old-stable has 155
<haasn> okay
<elenril> can we merge x264 into lavc?
<jamrial> >gpl
<elenril> we do have gpl code
<elenril> think of the potential
<haasn> MSVC already requires >= 158
<haasn> oldstable is on 160
<haasn> so maybe we can move straight to 160
<another|> hmm.. how does ffmpeg calculate fps if not present ? just diff between two pts?
<elenril> 'ffmpeg' is a very big thing
<cone-764> ffmpeg James Almer master:5e0eac3d4566: avcodec/libaomenc: bump the minimum required version to 2.0.0
<another|> ffmpeg.c
<elenril> that's still a rather big thing
<elenril> which component
<elenril> and for which purpose
<another|> reading from ivf for example
<BtbN> I'd say it just... doesn't?
<BtbN> Like, timestamps are what matters, not some random fps value somewhere
<another|> the header only has number of frames, timebase, pts/frame
<elenril> (is how it should be, but not always is)
<another|> e.g. ffprobe shows a frameratee
<elenril> libavformat pulls a framerate out of its ass
<elenril> I try not to use that value unless necessary
<another|> it has an ass? /s
* Sean_McG laughs
<another|> but where does it come from?
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<elenril> it looks at the timestamps, codec values, old tea leaves, etc.
<elenril> see avformat_find_stream_info() and cry
<elenril> (make sure to abandon all hope before you do)
<BtbN> You really don't ever need a fps anyway
<elenril> but what is the duration of the last frame
<elenril> .jpg.xz
<BtbN> positive infinity
<haasn> is ubuntu 22.04 too new a target?
<haasn> or should we support 20.04 as well
<BtbN> depends on what you mean by support
<BBB> support for ...
<haasn> 20.04 is also on 155, same as debian oldoldstable; 22.04 is on 163
<elenril> I recall some people arguing for rhel 7
<haasn> compiling with libx264
<BtbN> if latest ffmpeg would cease to work entirely on 20.04, that'd be an issue
<Sean_McG> when is deb oldold... ah
<BBB> if you mean "ffmpeg dies on 20.04", probably a bad idea
<BBB> I know people using 20.04
<BtbN> But if vulkan or something doesn't work on 20.04.... eh
<jamrial> haasn: to build ffmpeg 7.0+ on 20.04, you'd need to rebuild almost all packages that depend on ffmpeg anyway
<elenril> jamrial: you could just install multiple libav* versions concurrently, no?
<jamrial> i guess
<haasn> well, I'll send it to the list and see what the community(tm) decides
* elenril votes haasn to be banned from CC for 7 years and two days
<Sean_McG> ... why 2 days?
<haasn> I'm not on the CC, how can I be banned
<elenril> that is a very good question
<elenril> I propose a GA vote to resolve it
<another|> GA vote to add haasn to CC
<another|> so he can be banned
<JEEB> haasn: yea I think we have plenty of old requirements around
<haasn> sadly we cannot use the same one weird trick to get rid of libx265_encode_init_csp()
<haasn> because that apparently still doesn't support multiple bit depths even on recent versions?
<JEEB> I think they have this weird multilib thing
<BtbN> That's lust libx264. Can trivially just build a newer one for old ubuntu
<BtbN> *just
<haasn> oh I see, higher bit depth versions also allow lower bit depth
<jamrial> haasn: any benefit of choosing 160 over 155? just the not_init_thread_safe flag?
<haasn> jamrial: and the msvc exclusive configure check
<JEEB> basically you for x265 manually build 12bit, 10bit and 10bit editions
<jamrial> ah
<JEEB> then ADDLIB them together with ar :D
<haasn> but we can re-introduce those two and go down to an older version, it doesn't really matter
<haasn> JEEB: yikes
<jamrial> requiring 155 will let you build ffmpeg 7.1 on ubuntu 20.04 with the system x264, so maybe go for that
<jamrial> we can bump to 160 or whatever next year once it's EOLd
<haasn> jamrial: if you bumped instead to v2.0.1 we could drop the `supports_monochrome` check
<haasn> fair
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<haasn> jamrial: src/libavcodec/libaomenc.c:680:23: error: redefinition of ‘flags’
<haasn> 680 | aom_codec_flags_t flags = 0;
<cone-764> ffmpeg James Almer master:81b3a82fae0d: avcodec/libaomenc: remove variable redefinition
<jamrial> haasn: fixed, sorry about that
<elenril> sigh, now I remember all that HEVClcList insanity
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<qwertyttyert> libxvid -flag gmc = "Undefined constant or missing '(' in 'gmc'" as far as I understand, gmc is not possible to use? https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-codecs.html cltr+f gmc
<qwertyttyert> libxvid -flags gmc
<qwertyttyert> in windows with xvid directshov gmc can be enabled only by changing the level profile to "Advance Simple"
<qwertyttyert> directshow
<elenril> ffmpeg -h full -> look for gmc
<elenril> also, >encoding xvid in 2024
<elenril> haasn: cool
<haasn> elenril: just saw your series, am I correct in understanding that this has nothing to do with the hacky way we currently access enc_ctx options from ffmpeg_filter.c?
<haasn> because that will need to change for the new API to work properly
<elenril> all access to enc_ctx is removed from ffmpeg_filter
<haasn> (so that enc_ctx->strict_std_compliance is valid)
<haasn> hrm
<haasn> well, my series adds several new accesses to enc_ctd to ffmpeg_filter
<elenril> I think it should be straightforward to adapt
<qwertyttyert> I will not answer.
<haasn> oh I see, you moved it to ffmpeg_mux_init
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<qwertyttyert> "-c:v libxvid -gmc 0 or 1" with this option is enabled. "-c:v libxvid -flags gmc" This is not right?
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<qwertyttyert> "-c:v libxvid -gmc 0 or 1" - encodes and does not show error
<jamrial> -flags gmc does not exist
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<qwertyttyert> It is not clear from the instructions. Maybe because of the transfer. https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-codecs.html 9.19.1 Options. "-c:v libxvid -flags gray" - ok and others, I haven't checked all of them.
<qwertyttyert> Maybe because of translation/
<qwertyttyert> "-c:v libxvid -gmc 0 or 1" is that right?
<qwertyttyert> gmc - Enable the use of global motion compensation
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<qwertyttyert> what is 0 and what is 1? on, off or ...?
<qwertyttyert> the instructions on the website need to be corrected
<elenril> stop spamming, you got your answer already and this is not the place for user questions in the first place
<qwertyttyert> ffmpeg -h full = -gmc <int> E..V....... use GMC (from 0 to 1) (default 0) . https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-codecs.html 9.19.1 Options. = "-flags gmc"
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<cone-764> ffmpeg James Almer master:16ba7bdd764f: doc/encoders: remove non-existent flag
<cone-764> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:6c701b5f6cda: doc/encoders: remove non-existent flag
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<cone-764> ffmpeg James Almer master:6f13f5dd5967: doc/encoders: add missing libxvid option
<cone-764> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:d38bf5e08e76: doc/encoders: add missing libxvid option
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<nevcairiel> jamrial: fwiw i can reproduce your d3d11 bottleneck quite similarly. guess i'll go poke at it for a bit.
<qwertyttyert> -_-
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<nevcairiel> jamrial: well, got it faster then all others. you know what it is? the stupid low-precision timers and sleeps. added timeBeginPeriod in ffmpeg.c main and its now 6400 fps =P
<jamrial> hah, nice
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<nevcairiel> https://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=blob;f=libavcodec/dxva2.c;h=6eb66c02e404699ea9d66d304fbf5f53bca0a49f;hb=HEAD#l936 this one in particular, i guess dxva2 doesnt trigger this, and d3d12 uses a different path entirely
<nevcairiel> well nothing for me to worry about then, video players should be setting that anyway, someone can argue about doing so in ffmpeg cli
<BtbN> "Starting with Windows 11, if a window-owning process becomes fully occluded, minimized, or otherwise invisible or inaudible to the end user, Windows does not guarantee a higher resolution than the default system resolution."
<BtbN> hm, so, CLI applications can just get lost anyway
<nevcairiel> if you dont have a window, maybe they just leave you be
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<blb> does gyan join this channel?
<BtbN> I think I've seen him at least once? But not sure, definitely not a regular.
<blb> i think his 7.0 "full-shared" build contains the dlls for 6.1 as well. not sure how to tell him.
<BtbN> Just write an E-Mail?
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<andrewrk> my 10 years old music player library code wraps ffmpeg and basically reimplements the filter graph
<andrewrk> oops that was meant to reply to <wbs> I saw one case of someone using ffmpeg, via a javascript api wrapping...
<andrewrk> anyway I think this time around I'll just depend on ffmpeg directly instead of trying to wrap it too much :)
<andrewrk> 6.5 KLOC of C code, I almost have feature-complete equivalent functionality completed with 900 lines of zig because all the wrapping/encapsulation boilerplate is gone
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