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<hursand> rwmjones_ Currently rust-sys-info can't pass tests on riscv64, and the problem was caused by cpu_speed() as it doesn't support riscv64 right now. As there's no current standard on riscv64 to determine the cpu speed from /proc/cpuinfo, it's preferred to skip the test_cpu_speed() on riscv64, so should the patch be submitted to upstream or to Fedora
<hursand> source?
<rwmjones_> hursand: morning
<rwmjones_> just trying to compile it here
<rwmjones_> it doesn't even get to the tests for me, fails with ...
<rwmjones_> error: 16 files in the working directory contain changes that were not yet committed into git:
<rwmjones_> ...
<rwmjones_> to proceed despite this and include the uncommitted changes, pass the `--allow-dirty` flag
<rwmjones_> /usr/bin/cp: missing file operand
<rwmjones_> Try '/usr/bin/cp --help' for more information.
<rwmjones_> do you have local changes that get past this problem?
<rwmjones_> hursand: about your question, you could change the Fedora spec file to skip the test, and add a link to the upstream issue as a comment
<rwmjones_> if you CC @rjones @davidlt on the Fedora PR we will take a look
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<davidlt> hursand, in general using /proc/cpuinfo is not that advisable
<davidlt> So such field in cpuinfo for riscv64 doesn't exist, but you can calculate the actual clock (e.g. lmbench does that IIRC)
<davidlt> There is a way to get it from sysfs as opp table is defined in DT
<davidlt> But that's also in some cases are wrong.
<davidlt> Like choosing 1500MHz on VF2 is actually 1000MHz IIRC (there is a patch to fix that).
<davidlt> Also there are so many other things where clocks will be changing very rapidly (check on Intel, AMD systems, especially laptops)
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<hursand> davidlt I agree with you, but that's how rust-sys-info originally determines the cpu speed(quite dirty hacks) and I could do nothing with it =L , and also that's why I was trying to add support for riscv64 to this project at first but eventually given up because of the same reason you just mentioned. So I'm going to add a patch to skip the
<hursand> test_cpu_speed() and want to check if submitting the patch to Fedora source is more appropriate =D
<davidlt> hursand, replied on GH
<davidlt> Basically it's one line change to return Err(Error::UnsupportedSystem)
<hursand> davidlt Actually cpu_speed() did return Err, and in test_cpu_speed() it tries to unwrap() the returned value and caused the panic
<davidlt> hursand, so the test is broken because it doesn't handle Err? :)
<davidlt> That sounds like a broken test
<davidlt> In that case your change is probably OK, but I still don't like it,
<davidlt> The test should be written to check for Err and handle it too.
<davidlt> Instead of adding the same cfg macros as that will become a spaghetti with all the possible options
<hursand> davidlt Correct, so either we skip the test like how https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf/-/merge_requests/295/diffs did, or we modify the test to properly handle the returned Err value
<hursand> Okay I got what you mean
<davidlt> I think the current approach is OK, but not ideal. The test should handle all possible return values from the function.
<davidlt> It shouldn't fail if you receive Err(Error::UnsupportedSystem)
<davidlt> and then you can just drop the whole cfg macro
<davidlt> Maybe print a message from the test that it's unsupported on the platform
<davidlt> Haven't used rust in years, thus I am a bit rusty how things works there these days :)
<hursand> So if we take this approach, it seems that submitting the patch to upstream would be a better choice? As if there're other new arch emerged, this test can still be passed without modifying the code
<davidlt> Yes
<davidlt> There are another two arches that I see coming up
<davidlt> loongson is pushing hard, and I noticed sw_64 or whatever too slowly showing up
<hursand> Okay, thanks
<davidlt> Sw (sw_64) is Sunway IIRC (another MIPS clone from China IIRC).
<rwmjones_> davidlt: mozjs115 compiles unmodified for me
<davidlt> rwmjones_, on VF2?
<rwmjones_> I'm going to look at mozjs102 later, that has some failures
<rwmjones_> yes on VF2
<davidlt> OK, I will try later on.
<davidlt> I installed a new NVMe on Pioneer (again!), and let's see how it will last
<davidlt> i.e. how long
<rwmjones_> so it eats NVMe drives ...?
<rwmjones_> that's a very specifically strange failure
<davidlt> After 400+ hours of operation I basically get Data Transfer Error from PCIe, then IO errors on NVMe, and then file system goes read-only and it starts eating (and failing) all the builds in Koji
<davidlt> I reinstalled on a brand new NVMe yesterday and it latest ~4 hours maybe, and it happened again.
<davidlt> So I unpacked another brand new NVMe (just in case) and trying again
<davidlt> Either it "broke", or it doesn't like the current load (?)
<davidlt> I had no significant issues (apart rare random hangs), after now it's annoying
<davidlt> I am doing just one build right now, webkit2gtk4.0, on it
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