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<davidlt> rwmjones_, GHC build landed, sending a new batch of GHC packages now
<davidlt> rwmjones_, binutils passed tests and landed: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2024-86f122ac31
<davidlt> Yeah, I think packages that landed soon or at branch time got something confused in CI or something
<davidlt> I scheduled binutils 2.42 build for riscv64
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<davidlt> actually, I didn't notice but Nick already landed binutils 2.42 in Fedora/RISCV 3 days ago :)
<rwmjones_> this is the dumbest thing I read in a long time ... https://lwn.net/Articles/961978/
<rwmjones_> I genuinely thought it was an early April Fools article
<davidlt> rwmjones_, does that means we will have 100K CVEs for the kernel pretty much within a few years?
<davidlt> I wonder if this is connected to SBoM requirements
<rwmjones_> I think it means we'll have some way to ignore kernel-issued CVEs, or else the CVE system will be even further degraded
<rwmjones_> it also seems to be based on their false belief that Red Hat has to backport every CVE (which is not true, eithe rby practice or by law)
<davidlt> There is EU Cyber Resilience Act (not sure the current state)
<davidlt> IIRC that means there should be a DB for EU/single market for CVE (required to report, incl. info about patch within 72 hours IIRC)
<rwmjones_> yeah but it doesn't require all CVEs to be backported (nor the US thing which I've forgot the name of right now)
<davidlt> SBoM will become requirement at some point, which it will be easy to identify affected software components and act fast (?)
<davidlt> I am following this stuff, but not really actively (yet).
<rwmjones_> for sure, we're adding SBoM support to RHEL at the moment
<davidlt> Yeah, US will have something similar too IIRC
<davidlt> I wish this was a single solution instead of EU and US doing similar thing
<davidlt> I remember talk(s) from kernel main folks about this. IIRC they are kinda pushed to do it.
<davidlt> Giving each patch (-fixes) a CVE is cheap on their side.
<davidlt> It would be expensive to cross-check every patch for potential vulnerability.
<sorear> what's the solution to "vulnerability discovered in library which only affects a tiny fraction of users, but the fix is invasive and likely to cause more accidental breakage than the number of affected users"?
<davidlt> I guess this will depend on US and EU ruling about different fields.
<davidlt> Like medical devices based on SBoM might require a different action from some crop field IoT sensor.
<sorear> and its corrolary "vulnerability discovered which only affects users that were using the library wrong to begin with, and is arguably actually a bug in the users"
<davidlt> Basically this will allow measuring and accountability regarding "lazy admins" or something.
<sorear> someone filed a cve recently against riscv that if you take an exception before mtvec is initialized, you jump somewhere random
<davidlt> The amount of ransomeware and other hacking are increasing, and that could be (and is) hospitals, utility companies, etc.
<davidlt> is that a spec bug, or HW implementation detail? :)
<davidlt> How does that affect Software Bill of Materials?
<davidlt> I don't know how this works with specification (ISA) and hardware bugs.
<sorear> imo it's the spec working as designed but once people decide that something is a vulnerability it can be very hard to change their minds
<davidlt> Well, what happens if RISCV crates their own CNA and issue their own CVE? :)
<davidlt> In that case they could reject this.
<davidlt> as we can see projects are slowly taking ownership (becoming CNAs)
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<fuwei> rwmjones_: Hi Rich
<fuwei> sorry for late response
<rwmjones_> fuwei: hey, no problem, I forgot you're on holiday!
<rwmjones_> let's have a chat next week when you're back
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<davidlt> rwmjones_, I don't think there was any feedback on meson side (yet)
<rwmjones_> davidlt: yeah I was going to avoid poking that nest for a while
<rwmjones_> but we're still right
<rwmjones_> we might have to maintain a downstream patch for a while
<davidlt> rwmjones_, OK, we just need not to forget about this
<davidlt> Well, yes/no/depends ;)
<davidlt> Have you seen my earlier message about filesystem package?
<rwmjones_> umm, I think I missed it
<davidlt> I suggest we start changing things, and do: %{_lib}/lp64d for riscv64
<davidlt> as you said before this directory wasn't part of buildroot, that would solve that.
<davidlt> partially helping with gcc.spec symlink hack
<rwmjones_> you mean create the symlink in the filesystem package?
<davidlt> ideally we might want in the future remove symlink and teach Fedora the proper paths
<rwmjones_> $ rpm -qf /usr/lib64/lp64d
<rwmjones_> glibc-2.38.9000-33.fc40.riscv64
<rwmjones_> I see it's part of glibc now ^^
<davidlt> Maybe yes
<rwmjones_> yeah seems sensible to move it to filesystem
<rwmjones_> btw I'm up to sympy in the package list, but I'm taking a break this weekend, will continue on monday
<davidlt> I am not sure it's built into glibc.spec, but just happens to be picked up.
<davidlt> Sure. I was about to ask if you need more.
<rwmjones_> well you can still paste packages in here, just that I won't work on them til Monday :-)
<davidlt> Nah, I can make the list on the Monday :)
<rwmjones_> I think I've got like 5 or 6 in the list
<rwmjones_> which will probably be monday morning
<davidlt> meson_test and ctest macro stuff would be nice to see after those 5-6
<rwmjones_> yeah & looking at that too
<davidlt> Just keep CC me on all of this otherwise I loose track
<rwmjones_> of course
<davidlt> I will keep building GHC / pandoc until Monday most likely
<davidlt> maybe I will manage to look at GHC 9.6.X
<davidlt> It would be nice to have it working properly too before Fedora 40 makes the switch
<davidlt> ah, we should ask peterson to submit all failed builds for Fedora 40 as soon as the fix lands.
<davidlt> as those packages don't have a new NVR, and I most likely need to do "rvreX" builds to bump NVR for rebuilds on Fedora/RISV side
<davidlt> So far all is good, and we are close to finishing (package number wise)
<davidlt> probably something like <~150 packages are left
<davidlt> oh, I hit that issue where creating buildroot on Pioneer takes a very long time
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<fuwei> rwmjones_: sure , the document is ready , I will send you a link once I sort them out
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