dgilmore changed the topic of #fedora-riscv to: Fedora on RISC-V https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/RISC-V || Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/fedora-riscv || Alt Arch discussions are welcome in #fedora-alt-arches
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<davidlt> Perl stuff is done. Rust is being synced now.
<davidlt> I would like to remind everyone that we have Matrix channel: #riscv:fedoraproject.org
<davidlt> These are no longer bridged with IRC.
<davidlt> Anything ICU is going in too.
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<davidlt> rwmjones_, are you doing any packages today?
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<davidlt> rwmjones_, prelude-lml, valgrind
<davidlt> rwmjones_, bes, still not fixing after API change in libxml2
<davidlt> rwmjones_, cfdg, -march=native stuff
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<rwmjones_> davidlt: officially on holiday, unofficially doing risc-v stuff, I'll take a look later today
<rwmjones_> or some time soon anyway
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<davidlt> rwmjones_, are both of your boards OK?
<davidlt> It seems they stopped pinging at the same time
* rwmjones_ wonders wtf is in
<rwmjones_> $ ll -h bes-
<rwmjones_> -rw-r--r-- 1 rjones rjones 309M Feb 23 12:34 bes-
<rwmjones_> the whole project seems like C++ programmers gone wild
<rwmjones_> both boards look fine, do you want me to restart kojid on them?
<rwmjones_> davidlt: ^
<davidlt> do systemctl status kojid
<davidlt> see why both kojid managed to disconnect at the same time
<davidlt> rwmjones_, I lost MilkV too
<davidlt> file system went read-only, and now it's not booting
<rwmjones_> davidlt: 'bes' is a big mess, I fixed some things, but the package doesn't even build in regular koji
<rwmjones_> davidlt: kojid is fine on both boards at this end, there's no error or problem at all, but I can restart if you want
<davidlt> not sure, let's leave it?
<davidlt> but pings stopped
<rwmjones_> ok I'll leave it, but let me know if you need to restart it
<rwmjones_> I'm going out for a bit, but back later
<davidlt> Basically just check it in X hours, if it's not changing restart kojdi
<davidlt> looking..
<davidlt> IIUC there is DAP2 and DAP4, we have DAP3
<davidlt> but even http://www.opendap.org/ doesn't work anymore
<davidlt> Ah
<davidlt> there is "libdap" (official)
<davidlt> It has "is_dap4_projected"
<davidlt> 2023, Jan
<davidlt> starting 3.20.11-93
<davidlt> we have (in Fedora): Version: 3.20.10
<davidlt> Maybe version bump is enough
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