dgilmore changed the topic of #fedora-riscv to: Fedora on RISC-V https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/RISC-V || Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/fedora-riscv || Alt Arch discussions are welcome in #fedora-alt-arches
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<djdelorie> davidlt: new board installed and working :-)
<davidlt> djdelorie, nice!
<djdelorie> same mmc, ssd, everything... so the problem was the old board
<djdelorie> I suggest a small test job for it to make sure everything is back to normal, before hitting it with a big job
<davidlt> not right now, just out of the bed :)
<davidlt> and I am already noticing something bad: 390.11 load average on Koji server :/
<djdelorie> yeah, I was going to mention it was having timeouts but I figured you'd notice anyway, and you did ;-)
<davidlt> Someone is rcloning repo, and logs filled up
<davidlt> Ah, it's a sync with China
<davidlt> Ok, back online, your board is definitely answering pings :)
<davidlt> Okay, I need some coffee as I originally logged into a wrong server to look for a problem :D
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