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<rwmjones> davidlt: lp64v ... is actually defined anywhere?
<davidlt> rwmjones, not yet
<rwmjones> I'm going to CC you on an email
<davidlt> OK
<rwmjones> I munged up his email by accident
<rwmjones> where it says ["lpd64"] it should say ["lp64v"]
<rwmjones> my bad ..
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<davidlt> Replied
<davidlt> I only now noticed one thing.
<davidlt> In the next-gen StarFive IP only efficiency cores/cluster supports vector extension!
<davidlt> Not the high-perf core!
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<sorear> lp64v shouldn't exist at all, where are you seeing it?
<sorear> the vector ABI stuff is being set up specifically so that you _don't_ have to redo the bootstrap from stage1
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<davidlt> sorear, I don't know how it will work, but T-HEAD used -mabi=lp64dv. I assume there will be a new ABI in general.
<davidlt> on PoC patches (GCC and LLVM) currently this is controlled by attributes or parameters as this is experimental/PoC.
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