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<davidlt[m]> GUADEC Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/@GNOMEDesktop
<conchuod> davidlt[m]: Are you coming to Cork
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<Entei[m]> davidlt: the authorisation system doesn't seem to take into account anything but the SSL certificate. I created added a user named riscv through koji cli, and then created a user account named riscv on the PC.
<Entei[m]> Created the certificate for the riscv user, and I can ping the server. Even nicely says I don't have permissions to create tag.
<Entei[m]> But for experimental purposes, I just copied the kojiadmin certificate into riscv user account as client.crt. Now my riscv user has admin privileges even without granting it any permission whatsoever.
<davidlt[m]> As I said before certificate is all you need to access the Koji system.
<davidlt[m]> What user is mapped to that certificate is based on Common Name entry in it.
<davidlt[m]> The account name on the "PC" has no relevance here.
<davidlt[m]> It's what listed in CN=<name> matters.
<Entei[m]> <davidlt[m]> "What user is mapped to that..." <- Oh so the mapping is just for authorisation, not authentication. I can authorise as long as the name in database and the certificate are same, but what role I have in infra depends on what I certificate I received.
<davidlt[m]> No
<davidlt[m]> Permissions are stored in the database for that user.
<davidlt[m]> The certificate is just basically: hey, I am user XYZ to Koji.
<davidlt[m]> As long as Koji can validate the certificate it will says: yes, you are CN=XYZ user.
<Entei[m]> Oh right. I am dumb. You just said the username on computer doesn;t matter. I am making the same mistake.
<Entei[m]> So the only way to isolate roles would be to tell users don't share your SSL certificate with others.
<davidlt[m]> Yes, which is a common sense in general :)
<davidlt[m]> I mean, I hope folks don't share their password around, or YubiKeys or something :)
<davidlt[m]> Or even key cards to enter buildings.
<davidlt[m]> If you want multi-factor auth, place a password on the certificate when creating it.
<davidlt[m]> In that case certificate alone is not enough.
<Entei[m]> davidlt[m]: Yep, was thinking the same. I created certificates with `--nodes`
<davidlt[m]> Or just don't user TLS certificates and setup Kerberos infra (which tends to be annoying).
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<davidlt[m]> FYI if you have Fedora/RISCV Koji account don't use rawhide or/and f39 targets yet. Branching is still WIP.
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<dtometzki__> hello together anyone know a way to delver the new licheepi to germany ?
<Entei[m]> davidlt: Hey, I am doing a trial. Created another account, generated certificates for it and gave it admin permission through koji cli.
<Entei[m]> I have selinux disabled btw.
<Entei[m]> The account is able to ping server and create tags, but when I add a package to a tag, with `koji add-pkg`, it seemingly gets stuck.
<davidlt[m]> It? Stuck? Define both.
<leah2> dtometzki__: ordering on aliexpress should work, no?
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<davidlt[m]> kernel v6.4.7 was tagged.
<davidlt[m]> I don't think there is anything riscv specific in it.
<davidlt[m]> GCC 13.2 also got released.
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<Entei[m]> <davidlt[m]> "It? Stuck? Define both." <- My shell is hung up
<davidlt[m]> Check the logs?
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<sajcho> davidlt[m]: Please review the build result of gcc-13.2.0 https://dpaste.com/8GM5AGDWQ. I'm sorry it's not riscv64 but I'm talking about basic configuration.
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