kernel v6.4.2 has landed, but nothing interesting.
and nothing interesting in the queue too.
I see Fedora cooked kernel-6.4.2-200.fc38 yesterday. It might be a time for me to rebase kernel-ark stuff.
It's not in Bodhi yet. It's a bit too early to have 6.4 in the stable channel.
DesignWare GPIO driver (from SiFive) got merged into OpenSBI today. I might pull this in today.
alexsaezm: do you know how to figure out why golang fails to build a package when there are no error messages?
A number of packages fail after something like: cp $WORK/b185/_pkg_.a /home/riscv/.cache/go-build/91/91c617a82161de60b3b0379247e49c552d8ce5722b0139beda0a871f6e2441ff-d # internal
Google suggests multiple different ideas, which is basically random stuff.
in aarch64 for example, there's a conditional at the very top that skips that (I removed I think recently)
maybe is that?
alexsaezm: could you point to the commit what you did?
let me check
It's early morning here, and my eyes don't want to work :)
same here, I still need my first coffee :D
so it's still unmerged because I changed in the 1.21 pull request but you can see the change here:
Actually we do have ignore_tests set, but we are running %check.
Ah, that's for golang (my head really not working)
Also does GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE work with %gocheck?
yeah, but it's a little bit weird how ti works AFAIK
Let's try it. I just timed out on one package.
I'm trying to recall what was going on a where I saw it. I recall having the same issue and it was due to a chunk of code that failed but got buried behind the normal compilation and the last thing was a cp where in reality the error happened way before. I think what I did was to compile the package in the very specific version manually and that's where I saw the message but I'm trying to find if I wrote something about it because I
think I did.
it will probably fail.
I see /tmp/go-build3029956582/b001/go-jose.v2.test -test.paniconexit0 -test.timeout=10m0s running.
panic: test timed out after 10m0s
TestOpaqueKeyRoundtripJWE (8m3s)
running tests:
Are there any others ways to tell %gocheck to increase timeout?
yeah, so the best way to increase the timeout is instead of using scale (because I think I saw a bug in that section of the compiler and I know for a fact that some of the timeouts are hardcoded) is to run -timeout 50m
for example go test -timeout 50m
There is nothing in the package source code that would set the timeout value.
I found my notes
SCALE did nothing, still failed as the original.
so the same thing happened on Delve few months ago
and I sent this message to a coworker:
after removing a lot of flags, the real error appeared. In the current latest release of delve (1.20.1) the go-dap version is 0.6.0 but Fedora contains 0.7.0. That creates a small issue in this line: https://github.com/go-delve/delve/blob/8e48ad75747fbc3d5faa07cb4f2ca8de85f25c29/service/dap/server.go#L1414 0.7.0 needs dap.Source to be &dap.Source. For some reason that was hidden behind the macros and now it compiles perfectly fine.
(well I have a failing test due to a path issue but that's another story)```
* and I sent this message to a coworker:
(well I have a failing test due to a path issue but that's another story)
after removing a lot of flags, the real error appeared. In the current latest release of delve (1.20.1) the go-dap version is 0.6.0 but Fedora contains 0.7.0. That creates a small issue in this line: https://github.com/go-delve/delve/blob/8e48ad75747fbc3d5faa07cb4f2ca8de85f25c29/service/dap/server.go#L1414 0.7.0 needs dap.Source to be &dap.Source. For some reason that was hidden behind the macros and now it compiles perfectly fine.
So basically, due to the macros some issue in a library might be happening
it took me several days to see that (I even thought it was the cp the one that failed)
I had the same idea, but I could config cp failing :)
So that still doesn't explain how to figure out by package X is failing.
What flags should I remove and where?
let me see if I was smart enough to write about it
Looks like what I did was to copy over the expansion of gobuild macro (so basically removing the macro all together and write go build
because I recall trying to override the macro in the specfile with the __pre something macro but that was hard and didn't solve anything
so basically... removing the macro, and running go build
I know, what a solution :P
Could you provide example for golang-github-distribution-3 ?
This one is blocking tons of stuff.
sure, the specfile on the src.fedoraproject?
Yeah, default ones.
We have very little changes in Go land for riscv64 (apart the main spec).
fyi the kernel build failed, but apparently right at the end
creating the hmac file
it's very unclear what the actual error is
rwmjones: that never happened before IIRC, so this is something new.
This is vs ~850 minutes.
Or ~9 hours vs ~14+ hours.
reproducible ...
rjones@vf2:~$ cd /home/rjones/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/kernel-6.3.11-200.0.riscv64.fc38.riscv64/boot
I tried locally and it still builds βοΈ
rwmjones: we don't run debuginfod servers, but the thing works (tested in mock a couple days ago)
alexsaezm: I am finishing jose-2 and then spinning your spec.
alexsaezm: for the jose, I had to do: `%global gotestflags %{gotestflags} -timeout 30m`
ops, actually did 60 minutes for the final spec, as I didn't want to try too many times.
great yeah, I have 50m in some Go tests 'cause aarch64 fails with the 10m lol. Please ping me if I look AFK, I'm fighting (and I'm not gonna win) with PPC64LE.
alexsaezm: this should be documentated in packaging guidelines of what to do if default timeouts are good.
* alexsaezm
should improve the docs :'D
The thing that we love to postpone (forever) :)
not sure where nor how should I do that
golang-github-distribution-3 is cooking locally.
Not sure how long we need to wait for it to fail.
till the end of the time :D
davidlt[m]: Did I tell you that Starfive sent us their PCI driver v2 off-list? Need to test it and get back to them, it's the same base IP as us, so might not take too long to upstream.
conchuod: yes you did. it would be nice to have it land for the next kernel.
As I am now considering adding VF2 into the build farm :) NVMe is must-have.
I dunno if it will be "next kernel" material, but certainly I'd expect it to be faster than a new driver.
But from the log it's unclear if that has any affect.
for some reason, I think when using the macro or when doing the for loop, not sure which one, it continues even if it failed and then it later fail completely
I'm trying one thing...
I don't see this message on aarch64 and x86_64
I think it might be skipping it on riscv
I see some +build flags on the file
* alexsaezm
needs a riscv machine in his desk
rwmjones: ^^^ that's something for you π
some of the files compile in linux in general as a target but others are arch dependent
so I think this is where the problem starts. the code is arch dependent (not sure if it needs to be)
and the macros don't make the experience better
so it's a hardware or kernel-specific bug related to the VF2
"rg jh7110_hash_wait_key_done", you running downstream stuff?
it's the dodgy starfive kernel which has lots of out of tree patches, so who knows what's going on
dtometzki: mock will not work with systemd-nspawn containers. shadow-utils fails to install: error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/bin/newgidmap;64a7e9bc: cpio: cap_set_file failed - Operation not supported
* dtometzki: mock will not work with systemd-nspawn containers. `shadow-utils fails to install: error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/bin/newgidmap;64a7e9bc: cpio: cap\_set\_file failed - Operation not supported`
I will try to configure it to use old-style chroot.
davidlt[m]: wait.. is this a component? it costs 4 euros... :-/
alexsaezm: Select the right option ;)
It's β¬203.68 for 16GB RAM model.
now I see it
β¬12.29 for case, fan.
I needed to scroll down :-/
β¬6.83 for POE module.
now I see the full price
I was going to buy 10 lol
does it worth it as a first device for a noob? :D
alexsaezm: just remember that this basically has no upstream support apart UART :)
VF2 would be a better pick if you care about SW.
For development TH1520 is probably better (TBD), faster and more memory, but it will be long months before you get a proper upstream support.
Not to mention it lacks any high speed IO. The best you can do is NVMe over USB :)
dtometzki: failed with old style chroot too, same shadow-utils.
Basically I need root and a more space on /
davidlt[m]: as long as I can have a headless fedora with ssh for playing with go... that's all I care
davidlt[m]: I have no more space it is HW limit sorry
<alexsaezm> "wait.. is this a component? it..." <- But Aliexpress dont deliver to germany :-(
alexsaezm: you could find it fairly cheap even in europe and has good mainline support
My advice is go buy VF2 and at some point consider TH1520 if there is sufficient benefits.
alexsaezm: if will be supported for the official riscv fedora port that's another question, because that SoC doesn't follow the latest riscv specs
Well, T-HEAD is not really compliant to riscv too.
davidlt[m]: yeah mean for the ERRATA_THEAD in the kernel ?
> <@davidlt:matrix.org> Basically I need root and a more space on /
* You will find more space under /mnt/data
So T-HEAD have a custom PTE. Basically they took "reserved" and used it, which is now also used by a standard riscv extension. I don't recall if they actually match.
There is also unratified vector support.
There is also something strange with the way they identify implementation.
conchuod: would know more as he is involved on the kernel side.
davidlt[m]: yeah, that's the ERRATA_THEAD_PBMT I think
Oh yeah, I remember it now.
davidlt[m]: but since everything is up in the air anyways, we don't really know what would be the supported or not by distros so I suggested alexsaezm that one because at least would be a cheap e-waste :)
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TH1520 is a decent chip?
It's spec non compliant, but it's prob the best chip we have in riscv land?
> There is also something strange with the way they identify implementation.
We use the m*id CSRs to enable errata, they leave them blank on all their cores, so it'll probably fall over soon.
If that's what you mean.
well, I ordered one anyhow
could be e-waste, who knows ...
I cba buying one, got enough boards, but if they give me one for w/e reason it'd be my main board once there's ethernet support I guess.
I don't think it'll be e-waste, but I doubt there'll be vendor involvement in driver support etc.
I pinged them again to send you one, but I got no reply π
Fewer boards is less work for me ;)
The more you have boards, the easier my life is ;)
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I circled back to Golang stuff again.
Conan Kudo or nirik could you point me to whatever information exist on how Fedora container images are cooked (KS files, or other templates, tools, ansible configs, code, etc.)?
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alexsaezm: got a bit of a strange error:
is there a clear timeline or sequence of events for when riscv64 fedora is going to start having a hard dependency on things that are in RVA23 or the eventual server SoC spec but aren't in RVA20?