baude: I'm here now, if you're still around
bgilbert, ok, circling back ... i have an ignition binary i want to try
do you have a recommendation on how I could do such a thing?
should i be using cosa to make a qcow2 and somehow inject my binary in?
...oof. there's the easy way and the hard way
im listening
the easy way is to launch pretty much any Linux in Hyper-V, sftp in the binary, and run it
you only really need to run the fetch stage
if it fetches a valid config, there's no real need to demonstrate that Ignition can actually write files or partition disks
does ignition have something of a sub-command called fetch ?
since that stuff isn't platform-specific
Ignition runs in stages, which are separate invocations from separate systemd units
because the OS needs to sequence other actions between those stages
so something like `ignition -platform hyperv -stage fetch -config-cache cache.ign`
and probably -log-to-stdout
ravanelli has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
ok ok
but eventually you'll need to do an all-up test in a real OS image
and there, yes, you'd inject your build into cosa
would it have to be in rpm form ?
if ~/cosa is your cosa build root, you'd do `make install DESTDIR=~/cosa/overrides/rootfs`
from the root of the Ignition source
ok couple more quick quiestions
one other thing
you'll need the image to have the correct ignition.platform.id= kernel argument
hows that get done with cosa ?
in the easy way, im assuming you say just edit grub for now
hacky option: manually modify the BLS config file in /boot/loader using guestfish, then qemu-img convert to a VHDX
ok my turn
real implementation: add a buildextend-hyperv command
which is just a symlink and a few lines of patch IIRC
we'll need to eventually do that anyway, so if you feel like doing it, PRs definitely welcome :-)
to add a platform, do i just need to add a configs.Register in internal/platform/platform.go ?
I believe so, yeah
i dodnt see anything more that would be obvious
ok, so theoretically this should all work
given i have already mock tested all of this
oh oh
side question .... s you were emphatic about the no daemon funnibusiness
one thing giuseppe and i learned when dealing with the kernel device and its stupid protocol is that once you read, the kvps are gone (until reboot)
...that's what I was afraid of
that kind of sucks
and because that pool is one way, we can not read and put it right back either
presumably it's not "gone", it's just that the host doesn't think it needs to send the keys again
unless something changes
i can look to see if the host can be told resend those bad boys
that would be ideal
if that is the case, we could wire that up
there's another approach, of course, but it feels bad
which is that we write out the pools ourselves. we know the on-disk format.
we could also write the pools
it seems like maybe that would be the rightthing TM until someone says otherwise?
but maybe don't put them in the same spot?
we have to put them in the same spot or there's no point
or namespace them in the same spot with a dir
that's where anything in the real root will be looking for them
fair enuf
of course, then that app might think the daemon is running when it isn't
even worse: the real root won't even be mounted when we do the fetch
right,t hat was my concern
however, if we tell the host to requeue the kvps
if there's a way to requeue, we should 100% use it
and then the daemon was there, it would obviously work
which leads me to the next logical question ...
should we handle the case where the daemon is actually there just in case
as like ... a fallback
in the initrd?
i mean i dont want to , but if i am gong to made to do it, id rather account for it now
IMO no. random stuff doesn't usually get run in the initrd, and I'm not aware of any use case for it
we can file a bug saying that this is a known issue
but we shouldn't implement a thing that will likely never be needed, and thus never actually tested
or we could forget i mentioned it and say a little extra somoething on Sundays
also works
ok, i will report back tomorrow
if we're going to write out the pools
yeah ?
see state.go. there's a way to pass information between Ignition stages
so basically fetch would store the KVs in the state struct, then we'd have to patch the files stage to notice them there and write out the pools
once the root filesystem is mounted
bc you dont want to write to the filesystem in the initrd?
writing to the FS in the initrd doesn't do any good; they have to end up in the real root or it doesn't serve a purpose
im just verifying why
I think the handoff is straightforward to do; I just don't like the brittleness
reimplementing some other random software's output format
well it starts with a shit protocol
and gets smellier
and that, we did not make up
only other option I see is to require the actual daemon to run in the initrd, but then we'd still need to pass the state to the real root
so I think let's do the state handoff inside Ignition for now
rather than using the daemon
and see where that gets us
right, but that daemon remember comes with a license
yeah, the alternative proposal would be that Ignition requires the daemon to be installed separately, and running
which would require the OS vendor to arrange that
feels worse
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its already a bloodbath
yes it is
sure would have been nice if they'd used one file per key, etc., rather than inventing some binary thing
okay, sounds like we have a path
i mean, you guys really got a gift when this idiot volunteered to help