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[core/3.7]: libcap: updated toversion 2.74
[core/3.7]: sysklogd: updated toversion 2.7.1
[opt/3.7]: firefox-bin: updated to version 136.0
[opt/3.7]: exfatprogs: updated to version 1.2.8
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[contrib/3.7]: egl-wayland: 1.1.17 -> 1.1.18
[contrib/3.7]: faad2: 2.11.1 -> 2.11.2
[contrib/3.7]: keepassxc: 2.7.9 -> 2.7.10
[contrib/3.7]: python3-aiohappyeyeballs: 2.4.6 -> 2.4.8
[contrib/3.7]: python3-elementpath: 4.7.0 -> 4.8.0
[contrib/3.7]: python3-phonenumbers: 8.13.55 -> 9.0.0
[opt/3.7]: git: cherry-picked commit from upstream, reported in #18
[core/3.7]: vim: 9.1.1055 -> 9.1.1169
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