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no plan on dropping libbsd from 3.8?
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frinnst, is that even advisable? last i checked glibc still lacks some BSD functionality.
<tim> not at this stage, no. I don't get the problem with it being in core, tbh. If you don' touch it, all will be fine
[contrib/3.7]: acorn: 8.14.0 -> 8.14.1
[contrib/3.7]: libmediainfo: 24.12 -> 25.03
[contrib/3.7]: mediainfo: 24.12 -> 25.03
[contrib/3.7]: ndctl: 80 -> 81
[contrib/3.7]: p5-business-isbn-data: 20250315.001 -> 20250322.001
[contrib/3.7]: python3-scikit-build-core: 0.11.0 -> 0.11.1
[contrib/3.7]: rustypaste: 0.16.0 -> 0.16.1
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[core/3.7]: curl: added ca-path to configure options, #14
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imo libbsd should remain in opt as it is in 3.7
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yeah I run my own shadow port with it disabled
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