What if I make a file where all packages I'd like to have installed on my system would be listed so that I can run a command like `prt-get depinst < my-packages.txt` to install them on a new system or `prt-get update < my-packages.txt` to update the system? Does it sound like a good or a bad idea?
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uwumeowmeownyaa: nothing wrong with that, go ahead
The update command is probably superfluous next to 'prt-get sysup', though
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[contrib/3.7]: gitea: 1.23.0 -> 1.23.1
[opt/3.7]: linux-firmware: 20241210 -> 20250109; new optional dependency: parallel
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[opt/3.7]: git: 2.47.1 -> 2.48.0; changed to meson build system
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[opt/3.7]: git: fixed footprint
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what's the trusted place the get the source for SysVInit?
I see older stuff on GNU/Savanah and something from slicer69 on github... the first is old, and the second doesn't seem affiliated with gnu so I'm trying to be cautious