SiFuh_, I ended up just disabling module compression the initrd compressed as zstd fine it just couldn't read compressed modules when building.
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brian|lfs: Hmm, I added zstd to the kernel, recompiled kmod and compiled the kernel and ran dracut, rebooted and everything went fine here.
ok it was late and my fstab went all sideways genfstab pull aall the wrong uuid it was odd
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[opt/3.7]: paper: updated to version 2.2.5
[opt/3.7]: cups-browsed: updated to version 2.1.1
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you can compile your kernel with the modules you need built-in, and then you can boot without an initrd
groovy2shoes: What if you wanted encryption?
groovy2shoes: I already did a root disk encryption without an initramfs just to prove it can be done.