unfortunately no crux for me, usb in UEFI mode doesnt boot, i have try a couple of other iso's , all works
older motherboard asus p8b75-m lx
bios mode works, installs packages but fails to chroot later
i can try install from bios mode and chroot from other system
What do you mean by "fails to chroot later"?
i dont remeber, if i run setup-chroot or what it is, no errors but commands not working, if i try manually mount all it fails at dev i think
What errors were you getting from commands after setup-chroot?
setup-chroot is just a script that runs some mounts, no magic there
no errors, it chroot but commands not working in chrooted envireonemnt
Can you elaborate on "not working"? Don't know what might be happening without specifics
ls not found
Definitely not the expected behavior... have you tried a second usb drive by chance?
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hm, i can try but this one works, maybe its too big..
its 64G, i have a smaller one 7 i think
Guest48: After chroot, you just have to set PATH
The PATH should be set to a reasonable default when booted from the ISO
nothing about that ind handbook
Guest48: After chroot, try /usr/bin/env | /bin/grep PATH
If you chroot from a different system, that could definitely be the cause... but if you use setup-chroot from the ISO the PATH will be set properly already
if "ls not found" is really "-bash: ls: comamnd not found" then indeed I would check the PATH
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jaeger, whats with all the guests?
also did you see my message about the aquinta kernel module still missing?
brian|lfs: I did not see it but I see it now. I had not had much time for crux stuff recently until this week, it's still on my list
The only option in the aquantia section is "aQuantia AQtion(tm) Support", does that match your atlantic card?
ya should be it far as I kinow
As for the guests, my guess is they're connecting from a webapp on libera's site or something
Or maybe it's just a client which defaults to guest as a prefix
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