jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<jaeger> are your /usr and /opt encrypted or something that requires dracut?
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<brian|lfs> no just a seperate partition
<brian|lfs> and dracut seems to not mount it
<jaeger> dracut should only mount the root filesystem and then let the usual rc system handle that, I think
<brian|lfs> ok and its not
<jaeger> I guess having /usr separate is a special case since the rc scripts call stuff from there
<brian|lfs> I seen a guide from 2022 someone does it with LVM and lucks
<brian|lfs> luks
<jaeger> I use lvm and luks on some machines but not a separate /usr without them
<jaeger> Maybe you need to enable the 'usrmount' hook?
<jaeger> or module, whatever it's called
<brian|lfs> ya usrmount is enabled
<jaeger> Is dracut trying to mount /usr and failing with some error or just doing nothing?
<brian|lfs> I noticed my swaop wasn't even mounting
<brian|lfs> doesn't seem like it tries to mount usr
<jaeger> I see no /usr in there
<brian|lfs> oh shit wrong mahcine wrong fstab lol
<jaeger> Maybe you can use the dracut debug shell and try to mount it manually to see what happens
<jaeger> ok, I don't see anything obviously wrong with /usr there
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<brian|lfs> it thorws me into maintenace mode and I can mount everything and switch to init 2 to boot
<brian|lfs> I was lazy and used archlinux kernel config
<brian|lfs> but had to diable zstd and xz modules could that be the problem
<brian|lfs> is maintenace mode their debug shell?
<jaeger> Not sure, I haven't tried an arch config
<jaeger> I don't think maintenance mode is either arch or dracut specific
<jaeger> dracut has its own shell if you pass rd.shell on the command line
<jaeger> Anyway, what I would expect is that dracut would try to find and mount /, then call the normal init process, after which /etc/fstab would be in use for /usr and others
<brian|lfs> di you mean from grub command line
<jaeger> yes, though it would apply to any bootloader
<brian|lfs> do we have anything else to make an initrd with
<jaeger> maybe mkinitramfs or umkinitramfs from the portdb, though I haven't tried those
<jaeger> If you have time and the inclination to humor me, try using 'rd.shell' and see if you can mount your filesystems and then exit, see if it boots properly
<jaeger> If not, all good
<brian|lfs> okk aI'll give it a shot
<jaeger> Related question, do you have a root=/dev/nvme0n1p4 in your grub config?
<brian|lfs> yes its for my root
<jaeger> ok
<jaeger> Just making sure
<brian|lfs> I got rid of some weird systemd stuff in my kernel building a new initrd
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<brian|lfs> any idea why my swap isn't mounting with my fstab
<brian|lfs> I purpoely commented it out for now becuase its not mounting was seeing if that caused any issues
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<brian|lfs> rd.shell does nothing lol
<jaeger> Sorry, had to go AFK a while to do some machining work
<jaeger> Hrmm, not sure on that, I'll have to give it a try in a VM sometime
<jaeger> I haven't ever tried a separate /usr with dracut, just encrypted / and unencrypted /boot/efi
<brian|lfs> ya I wiped and did no /usr partition this time
<jaeger> heh, alright
<brian|lfs> I'll probably make a kernel from scratch not sure I trust dracut on crux
<jaeger> I would have recommended spending a bit more time troubleshooting it but too late now
<brian|lfs> prt-get: updating dracut from 103-1 to 105-1
<brian|lfs> usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/80test-makeroot
<brian|lfs> usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/80test
<brian|lfs> usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/80test-root
<brian|lfs> pkgadd: listed file(s) already installed (use -f to ignore and overwrite)
<jaeger> I use dracut full time on two different crux systems here for what that's worth
<brian|lfs> ok
<jaeger> remove the old dracut first and pkgadd the new one, there were some shenanigans with those files unfortunately
<brian|lfs> can you poaste a kernel config
<brian|lfs> or should I use the archlinux one and diable xz modules?
<jaeger> Sure, you can try https://crux.ninja/tmp/amaterasu-6.6.56.config if you want, though it's nothing special
<jaeger> I would think you could use either of them
<brian|lfs> ok I knoow on the crux iso no nic on my threadrupper
<brian|lfs> so I end up using gentoo iso and extracting the tarbals and makiing a db file for them
<brian|lfs> I'm guessing maybe lack of firmware on the iso not sure
<jaeger> Which NIC driver and firmware does it use?
<brian|lfs> just the linux-firmware forget what nic
<brian|lfs> 44:00.0 Ethernet controller: Aquantia Corp. AQtion AQC113 NBase-T/IEEE 802.3an Ethernet Controller [Antigua 10G] (rev 03)
<jaeger> which kernel module does that use when you're booted into gentoo?
<brian|lfs> gentoo iso ya
<brian|lfs> I think its atlantic
<brian|lfs> the module
<jaeger> If you can check and verify next time you're there I can add it to the ISO config
<brian|lfs> if I do lspci how do I see what kernel module a nic is using
<jaeger> lspci -k | grep "in use"
<brian|lfs> Kernel driver in use: atlantic
<brian|lfs> ya thats my nic
<jaeger> ok. I'll look into adding it to a future ISO build
<brian|lfs> I can't get it to come up on the iso
<jaeger> Gotta go for now but I'll also test the separate /usr with dracut and see what happens
<brian|lfs> ok I'll test without usr
<brian|lfs> also seperate opt but shouldn't matter
<brian|lfs> huh for cups
<brian|lfs> =======> ERROR: Footprint mismatch found:
<brian|lfs> NEW -rw-r--r-- root/root etc/dbus-1/system.d/cups.conf
<brian|lfs> NEW drwxr-xr-x root/root etc/dbus-1/system.d/
<brian|lfs> NEW drwxr-xr-x root/root etc/dbus-1/
<brian|lfs> NEW -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus
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<jaeger> those are likely harmless
<jaeger> ok, I did get the VM booting with separate /usr and dracut. It's a little wonky because you have to prevent it from trying to fsck /usr during boot in /etc/rc. Commenting out line 30 allows it to boot but that's not what I'd call ideal