jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
<r0ni> now we've a updated light cute desktop ;)
<remiliascarlet> Including static libraries is no harder than including dynamic libraries. The problem is that most distro's religiously avoid doing so purely for dogmatic reasons.
<remiliascarlet> I really like that both OpenBSD and NetBSD include both libraries for (almost) everything.
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<r0ni> does anyone know if 'timcowchip' is active within crux community still?
<cruxbridge> <tim> r0ni: i don't think he is still active, but no idea
<r0ni> ok, wasn't sure if he lurking here or not... I'll shoot an email to the address avail
<cruxbridge> <tim> ok
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<r0ni> ugh when a mail to a gmail account bounces... who closes a gmail account?
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<r0ni> also I hate when i go to a github page and the pic is an elderly man who hasn't been active for like 4 years, and then the email bounces
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<remiliascarlet> "who closes a gmail account?" Not me, because I don't use Gmail.
<r0ni> i keep one to interact with gmail users and as a catch-all for bullshit email, like kids schools, apps registration, etc. I run my own mailserver for emails I actually want.
<remiliascarlet> Google banned me a few years ago, so can't even use it for that.
<r0ni> i'm surprised I never did get banned, using gdrive the way i did
<remiliascarlet> I never trusted GayDrive even when I still had an account there.
<remiliascarlet> And I have my own NAS to save my files on, so no need to use somebody else's computer, I mean, "the cloud".
<r0ni> meh wasn't by choice, twas the only reliable way to obtain certain console games, cp to gdrive and download from there
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<remiliascarlet> The only reliable way for me is to get console games off archive.org.
<remiliascarlet> You can get the entire collection of each console in a single ZIP file, because slaves have never heard of Tarballs before.
<r0ni> emuallroms.zip
<r0ni> some day i need to get my MiSTer in working order again, such a great device and i ignore it
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