jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<emmett1_> hellow guys
<emmett1_> any of you got 'Segmentation fault' for firefox?
<emmett1_> also happen with my firefox-esr port
<emmett1_> here file for 'strace firefox &> stracelog' if its helpful
<SiFuh> emmett1_: Not clicking that. Too many questions about accepting cookies and crap
<emmett1_> owh sh*t
<emmett1_> so how should i share that?
<SiFuh> Yeah, it wants subscription and accept cookies and review what cookies you allow and not.
<SiFuh> I use dpaste
<SiFuh> Other use another.
<emmett1_> fi;e too large to get into pastebin
<emmett1_> or hastebin
<SiFuh> File or a log?
<emmett1_> its a log file
<emmett1_> because pastebin wont accept too long log
<emmett1_> i upload file to wetransfer
<SiFuh> A lot of the guys use this
<emmett1_> i never use that, can you enlighten me a little how to use it
<SiFuh> Scroll down
<SiFuh> EXAMPLES <--
<emmett1_> ok i hope its there
<SiFuh> Hell yeah
<emmett1_> been make a little research yesterday
<emmett1_> some say it happen on intel cpu, caused by latest mesa
<SiFuh> As in runs out of memory?
<emmett1_> some say it caused by rust's LTO
<emmett1_> runs out of memory?
<SiFuh> I was asking
<SiFuh> About the Intel and Mesa thing if it was a memory issue
<emmett1_> owh i dont know
<emmett1_> because others works fine, build fine and etc
<farkuhar> it was a recent update (either mesa or vulkan stuff) that coincided with more segfaults on my machine, but not with firefox. Instead the segfaults are happening in lagrange (the gemini browser).
<emmett1_> firefox just start crash suddenly few days ago
<SiFuh> Downgrade mesa?
<farkuhar> interestingly, a different machine (older video card) is unaffected, and lagrange runs there without segfaults.
<emmett1_> owh ok, i will try downgrade mesa
<emmett1_> does webkitgtk has anything to do with firefox?
<emmett1_> because i found this
<farkuhar> emmett1_: i think firefox uses its own rendering engine, independent of webkitgtk.
<emmett1_> owh ok, just point something i found incase it helps
<emmett1_> will try downgrade mesa first
<emmett1_> will relogin
<farkuhar> emmett1_: that ticket seems limited to Intel GPUs, so it's no suprise that my Epiphany browser with an AMD GPU didn't exhibit any such flickering.
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<emmett1_> still segfaults after downgrade mesa
<emmett1_> with my firefox-esr running firefox through term tell me this
<emmett1_> firefox runs for few second then closed
<farkuhar> same description applies to my lagrange segfaults. At first it would crash immediately on loading, but after a mesa/vulkan version bump I got it to run for a few seconds before segfaulting.
<emmett1_> alright
<emmett1_> for easy bugs sometimes i could fix it after some research
<emmett1_> but this one i'm lost
<emmett1_> looks like i have to use other browser for now
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<ukky> emmett1_: Try to log strace output with '--follow-forks' option
<emmett1_> ukky, ok now log too big to put into ix.io
<ukky> I know, it must be huge, but without tracing sub-processes, it might be hard to figure out where segfault occurs. You can try to compress the log and see if accepted.
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<emmett1_> how to compress it?
<emmett1_> ukky, maybe we gotta continue this later, i gotta go
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<ppetrov^> hey r0ni, any issues with setting up CRUX?
<r0ni> ppetrov^ nah it's pretty straightforward, your posts are honestly almost the only helpful info i've found on the net, good job with them. also I really like the distro for how simple yet powerful it is
<r0ni> outside of the main sites docs, that is
<ppetrov^> if you think i can halp with sth, let me know
<r0ni> i'm mostly working with the arm port, but i have setup a x86 box as well so i can cross-check fixes to ports before submitting them to the relevant upstreams, but a few things are broken on arm as-is without a fix so far
<r0ni> anyway, i'm bout to walk out for work, i'll be around more in like 13 hrs... gah :(
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: i've been tinkering with pkg-get in response to r0ni's recent questions. I managed to achieve almost a 4x speedup in the pkg-repgen script, at least on one trial.
<ppetrov^> that sound sgreat
<ppetrov^> *great
<farkuhar> time results, old version (real, user, system): 39.59s, 25.53s, 14.17s
<farkuhar> time results, latest rewrite: 10.62s, 9.99s, 0.62s
<ppetrov^> and my underscore issues were not just me, right?
<farkuhar> Right, the dashes in port names needed better handling, which was another part of my recent patching efforts. Thanks to emmett1 I had reason to test the interaction of --install-root with 'runscripts yes'. This combination was equally problematic in pkg-get as it was in prt-get, so I patched that oversight too.
<ppetrov^> any chance your fixes will make it to the official pkg-get?
<farkuhar> that's a question better suited for #crux-devel. But changes in a long-untouched code base take time to be reviewed, and this chat is the first place where anyone would have learned about them.
<farkuhar> anyway, my updated README now gives credit to ppetrov^ for discovering some of the workarounds needed with this program: https://git.crux.nu:82/farkuhar/pkg-get
<ppetrov^> thanks!
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