jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
ukky has quit [Quit: Testing new ISO...]
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<ukky> jaeger: Just tested your latest commit to system/iso.git ; The change does the job, my system can detect all disks attached to SAS controller. Thanks!
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<ukky> It took me almost a week to finally generate a new ISO with your patch. Many attempts, many experiments, many modifications to original Makefile.
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<SiFuh> ukky: That's cool
<jaeger> ukky: glad you got it sorted :)
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<cruxbot> [core.git/3.7]: cpio: update to 2.14
<cruxbot> [core.git/3.7]: sysvinit: update to 3.07
<cruxbot> [core.git/3.7]: pciutils: update to 3.10.0
<cruxbot> [core.git/3.7]: less: update to 632
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: squid: update to 5.9
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: maildrop: update to 3.1.5
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: graphviz: update to 8.0.5
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: [notify] libxml2: update to 2.11.1, python bindings are included now
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: python3-libxml2: dropped, python bindings are part of opt/libxml2 now
<frinnst> jaeger: have you tried ventoy with the crux iso? it fails to detect the iso-rootfs unfortunately
<jaeger> Tried it a few years ago, not recently. Any idea why it fails or didn't dig into it?
<frinnst> didnt dig into it unfortunately. iirc it tried to mount the actual ventoy storage area as the rootfs
<jaeger> ok
<frinnst> why do I keep deplying VMs with too little storage?
<frinnst> 8gb rootfs \o/
<jaeger> :D
<jaeger> https://www.ventoy.net/en/distro_iso/crux.html is interesting... I wonder what their "test" does if they marked these ISOs as working
<frinnst> huh
<frinnst> maybe it was something on my end
<jaeger> I remember it failing back when I tested it, too, but I don't recall which version that was
<frinnst> my trusty old 1GB usb-stick that i've used since ~2010 is now too small for the crux iso D;
<frinnst> my old x86_64 ISOs fit on a 256mb stick back in the day
<jaeger> Yeah... I was recently thinking about when it still fit on those mini-CDs that were like 185MB
<frinnst> i think i still have a mini-dvd with crux on it
<jaeger> I've been thinking about making a core-only image as well for convenience
<frinnst> \o/
<frinnst> wasnt there a net-install once upon a time? or am I imagining that
<jaeger> There was... I've also considered bringing that back, it just kinda fell by the wayside over time
<SiFuh> I liked the idea of having the net-install. jaeger mentioned it the other year when I was messing around with the ISO
<frinnst> yeah I dont think it will be used much. still, cool to have :-)
<frinnst> debian net-installs rule
<SiFuh> I like the OpenBSD net-install unfortunately it can't really be installed like CRUX with minimal package selection.
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<jaeger> ok, tested the latest ISO with ventoy... it DOES boot but the /media mount is wrong so setup won't find packages correctly
<frinnst> ah yeah, that rings a bell
<frinnst> not the rootfs
<frinnst> sorry
<jaeger> All good
<jaeger> I wonder if it *would* mount the ISO somewhere properly if exfat were supported
<jaeger> Interestingly the initramfs WAS able to find the ISO during boot, then it gets unmounted or thrown away somehow
<SiFuh> Isn't exfat already supported in CRUX? Or are you talking about Ventoy?
<jaeger> exfat is in the kernel config on the ISO but not in the list of modules in the initramfs
<SiFuh> Oh okay
<SiFuh> Don't really remember using modprobe to get the exfat drive to load.
<dim44> hello friends, I will be doing my first ever upgrade from 3.6.1 to 3.7. I was thinking of copying my system, chrooting into it, performing the update there first and if all goes well to do it on the live system too.
<dim44> I will be using the cd image as per the instructions, I made sure to read about the ABI incompatibility and /var/run changes. I want to test what would happen if I just chnaged the ports tree
<dim44> Will changing the version in /etc/os-release from 3.6 to 3.7 be enough to update the ports tree?
<SiFuh> dim44: yeah I we did that when I was working for the Universities Computer Centre. We'd always do a system clone then practice doing installs. That way we had limited down time.
<dim44> SiFuh: dracut might be one of the pain points. I think I might start using your utility since it looks like it can streamline the process a lot.
<SiFuh> jaeger: Changing /etc/os-release could be a cool idea actually. 
<jaeger> more importantly changing the version in /etc/ports/*.rsync, /etc/os-release doesn't control the ports tree
<SiFuh> dim44: The files in /etc/ports/ core.rsync opt.rsync contrib.rsync and so on.
<jaeger> If you're going to do manual updates, look at setup-helper in the ISO tree to see what it does for 3.6 -> 3.7
<dim44> jaeger: ah thanks, will change those files and read through the setup script. Probably I'll end up doing the main install from the cd too, I just wanted to try out a couple of things as a learnign excercise.
<jaeger> It's possible, of course, just can be more complicated
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: libxml2: force use of python3
<jaeger> Did a quick test with exfat, adding and loading the module is not enough, ventoy still loses/hides the /media folder
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