i seem to have broken X somehow, after running a sysup
no issue on my main computer, but on a laptop /usr/bin/X has disappeared
(sorry to come in asking for help straight away, too)
I believe Xorg is the binary?
that's what I assumed, nothing shows up for /usr/bin/X with an fsearch
i tried symlinking Xorg to X, but none of my input devices work then and I have to do a hard reboot
Are you sure you've installed the correct X ports?
I have no binaries called X. Only Xorg.
As far as I've been aware, Xorg has been the standard for quite some time.
poq: Are you launching X directly or using something like xinit / startx?
i use startx, which gives me a 'xinit: unable to run server "/usr/bin/X": No such file or directory'
it was working fine until this morning, so i'm assuming i have the correct ports installed. i've rebuilt any i had installed since then but still no luck
You might want to check that all dependencies of the various ports are installed.
Sometimes, you can update a port and it's gained new deps.
I'm looking into why startx is looking for /usr/bin/X - I've never had that issue.
Has your machine been updated from prior Crux versions?
revdep gives me xorg-server, so i'll check the deps for that, thank you
no, installed straight from 3.6
i really appreciate this, thank you
You might want to prt-get -fr update xorg-server
Generally when you update, you'll want to run revdep and rejmerge.
hadn't heard of rejmerge, i'll give that a go as well
update -fr xorg-server doesn't seem to have worked, manually going and checking dependcies
prt-get -fr update xorg-server
If it didn't work, the question is why and what error you received :)
yes sorry, i was just lazy and didn't want to type the whole thing
and it worked as in it rebuilt it, but hasn't fixed the issue with startx
sorry should have clarified
Actually: I have the same issue and I didn't notice!
oh joy!
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Might be worth looking at man startx
xserverrc and such.
I added a file, ~/.xserverrc that execs /usr/bin/Xorg with a few options.
Hopefully the more experienced users can give us a hand :)
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jaeger: Are we meant to symlink /usr/bin/X to Xorg or something? Or just provide an .xserverrc as I have done?
i've never had an .xserverrc, if that's any help, just an .xinitrc
Create one. It will be called to start the X server.
you could either symlink /usr/bin/X to /usr/bin/Xorg
Or you can provide a ~/.xserverrc that starts Xorg.
I've tried the ~/.xserverrc route in case there's a package update that fixes this issue.
poq: I'm afraid I have to run, man. Dinner and stuff :)
Hopefully others will be around soon can help out.
My .xserverrc is very simple:
exec /usr/bin/Xorg "$@" vt$XDG_VTNR
That should get you up and running :)
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that starts it, but no input still
progress though! thank you
anyone have experience with wireguard? I'm trying to setup Mullvad and all the guides you find assume a systemd/networkmanager setup so I'm at a loss at how to make this work
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Hey poq
Try this: startx -- /usr/bin/Xorg
That got it running for me, too.
If in doubt, take a peek at startx's man page.