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<r0ni> if one adds "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel" to 'eigen' (kde6) one can dispose of the suitesparse (and by proxy openblas) deps as it won't use them -- because neither of them can i get to build on arm64. Theres a few more kde pkgs that does wonders for but i'd have to look them up locally which ones I've modified at this point to get it all going
<beerman> r0ni: can you rebuild that with BLAS_VERBOSE=ON and post a log?
<r0ni> beerman: rebuild which?
<r0ni> i did get openblas to build now that I'm looking, but suitesparse dont find it
<beerman> eigen
<r0ni> i'll give it a whirl in a few mins... currently near the end of a webkitgtk build and I don't want to look at anything wrong right now
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<r0ni> yes it finishes, and no suitesparse is not installed
<r0ni> well, my way has less deps and less deps is the crux way! ;) ok i'll be afk for a bit... kinda packing and stuff lol
<beerman> but do you have openblas installed?
<r0ni> yes, tho i had to make changes to get it to build, i'll post the script when I get back in bout a hour
<r0ni> meh here is got a sec https://lngn.net/crux/openblas/Pkgfile
<beerman> hehe, ok thanks
<r0ni> looks like just the ARMV8 target specify tho i haven't compared it and it been a min
<r0ni> ok now really i'm afk lol
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