darfo: If core/libbsd and core/libmd reverted to the non-standard install location introduced in https://git.crux.nu/ports/contrib/commit/3188225a110c1a3ef6beebac3c2796e514f442e3 then I believe it would solve the problems you noted with eager linking. Even autotools builds would have to explicitly "opt in" to use libbsd, they wouldn't automatically discover and enable it, in this non-standard location.
It would and it did. Only those packages that absolutely needed it or wanted it could be directed to find it. libbsd is not a bad thing except in core ports. If all of the core binaries were statically linked it would also not be a problem to leave it in core.
sudo, linux-pam, dumb_runtime_dir, None of these should be in core. They are optional packages. And I wouldn't be suprised if libdm and libbsd are also. I can't understand why these ports are being forced onto users who don't need or use them.
dumb_runtime_dir is probably the dumbest port ever. Who on earth though it would be a good idea to put a GUI related port into core?