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<jaeger> Going to look at zstd support in pkgutils next, should we push for that in the 3.8 release or do it after?
<jaeger> It's simple enough to add but of course full testing could take some time
<beerman> Thanks! I'd say there is enough wiggle room to squeeze that one in :)
<beerman> doesn't hurt anybody that doesn't want to use it
<jaeger> fair
<jaeger> I'll push this to a branch so others can also test it
<jaeger> Changes are based on stenur's issue at https://git.crux.nu/ports/core/issues/3 but with minor tweaks and linting
<jaeger> Use 'make dist' in the pkgutils source tree to create the updated source tarball
<jaeger> oops, just realized I had the wrong email set in that repo.
<jaeger> I can commit later using the right one instead of merging that branch so whatever
<beerman> I'll give it a try this week
<jaeger> Cool
<beerman> bsdtar: Unknown module name: `xz'
<beerman> =======> ERROR: Building '/home/pkgmk/packages/pkgutils#5.40.11-1.pkg.tar.zst' failed.
<beerman> with PKGMK_COMPRESSION_MODE="zst". Thats correct right?
<jaeger> Hrmm, didn't run into that. Yeah, "zst" should be correct... but of course you can't use it until you have the new version installed :D
<beerman> .rw-r--r-- 945k root root 2025-02-05 21:08  /home/pkgmk/packages/pkgutils#5.40.11-1.pkg.tar.xz
<beerman> that i got :P
<beerman> ❯ pkgmk -v
<beerman> pkgmk (pkgutils) 5.40.1
<beerman> 11 actually, it cut that off
<jaeger> hrmm
<jaeger> Not seeing that "unknown module name" error here
<jaeger> =======> Building '/usr/ports/pkg/pkgutils#5.40.11-1.pkg.tar.zst' succeeded., etc.
<beerman> I can manually compress stuff with --zstd.. I'll need to take a closer look later
<jaeger> ok
<beerman> https://crux.nu/rpaste/GRpDrOY9.tar.zst for references, a tar.zst of the updated Pkgfile for this change
<farkuhar> It reminds me of the time when an update broke bsdtar for me, and I didn't have a backup package that could be pkgadd'ed manually. I ended up tweaking pkgmk so that it would use 7z for creating and unpacking tarballs. Eventually I was able to rebuild libarchive and restore the old pkgmk, but it was scary to have to rely on 7z for all the interim updates.
<jaeger> heh, nice
<jaeger> I rebuilt a bunch of ports here with zstd, no issues (arbitrarily picked everything with wayland or plasma in the name)
<farkuhar> While we're playing around with different compression modes ... this config https://dpaste.org/XVUBf will confuse prt-get and similar high-level tools, even though pkgmk would have no problem with it. jw made a fateful decision not to insulate in their own file, those config fields that govern tools at different levels (individual port vs entire repo).
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<farkuhar> Thankfully it's just two such fields, as can be seen from `grep getPkgmkSetting *.cpp` in the prt-get src directory. I'm working on a prototype that will make it harder for users to introduce hidden dependencies on Pkgfile variables like $name, when defining PKGMK_COMPRESSION_MODE or PKGMK_PACKAGE_DIR in their /etc/pkgmk.conf.
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