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jaeger: my problem was that I was still setting TAR_WRITER_OPTIONS="xz:threads=${JOBS}" over here ;) zstd works fine for me too
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Ah, ok
Steffen had some options set but commented out in his issue report but I preferred to leave it up to the end user to mess with those if they wanted... what's your preference?
Basically an if/else block checking for xz or zstd and setting vars
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We don't set them for anything else either. I'd opt for documentation. The real alternative would be to include examples for all valid compression options
archive_write_set_options(3) is the documentation for all valid compression options. Meanwhile I scanned through archive_read_set_options(3) looking for a way to achieve `bsdtar -p --no-xattrs -xf` using environment variable TAR_READER_OPTIONS, but that doesn't seem possible. Fallback solution: redefine unpack_source() in the Pkgfile, if the upstream tarball contains extended attributes not supported on all filesystems.