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plasma-desktop 6.3.1 is broken, they pushed an updated plasma-desktop tarball to fix.. and spectacle also has a release
both still in the 6.3.1 directory, so script would need a little fixie fixie
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<beerman> went down and the remote management connection is failing us a little. We will be back online but this might take a bit.
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The non-standard path /usr/man in the iputils footprint prompted me to work on FS#15 again. I created the symlink /usr/man -> share/man before installing opt/iputils, and then built a new iputils package that puts man-pages in the usual location /usr/share/man. Trying to upgrade to this new package triggered the "listed files already installed" error:
After patching pkgadd, I got a different error, but the upgrade finished successfully, and the pkgdb no longer has any /usr/man entries:
There might be other ways to trigger FS#15, which are not solved by my patch. I'd like to keep testing before opening a Gitea issue.