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<beerman> are there any opinions wether to use --enable-crypt with glibc or include a new port, libxcrypt, which provides that legacy crypt and stronger hashes
<beerman> jaeger there is also --without-zlib-version-check for openssh to work around the stupid config check quickly
<beerman> wrt openssh+zlib that is
<jaeger> Ah, my brain totally went past that, heh. Guess I was more tired than I thought
<beerman> heh :)
<beerman> i feel like i have a good starting point for 3.8 or 4.0, whatever we want to name it (currently i went with 3.8). i still have to push it though, i am waiting for a few more rebuilds to be sure and so i can share a set of built packages with it
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<sajcho> I have built a new toolchain. libxcrypt, signify 31, libmd, libbsd, python3.12.0rc1. No problem yet.
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