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<beerman> are there any thoughts about this patch for for prtsweep? its a lot of shellcheck and linting fixes and a new mode (very quiet) in attempt to not have a prompt to press enter to make prtsweep useable in an external script: https://dpaste.com/CNNANQYT5
<farkuhar> beerman: looks good on first glance. I stopped caring about the bash versions of prtsweep and prtwash, after reimplementing them in Perl a year ago: https://git.sdf.org/jmq/Documentation/src/branch/master/scripts/prtsweep.pl
<beerman> certainly helps if you are motivated to work with perl
<farkuhar> these rewrites were inspired by the TODO file in the prtutils src tree, which indicated a long-run plan of switching to Perl.
<beerman> it looks neater, I wouldn't care to switch to that. I see you already included README.md (cheers) - if there is a "no questions asked ever"-mode i'd be fine with that
<farkuhar> also, the Perl versions are more conservative than their bash counterparts. They're more in keeping with the CRUX mantra "tools that just do the work for you, not the thinking"
<beerman> is it scriptable? I have recently integrated prtsweep in my script that handles updating ports and thats a feature I'd miss and integrated with my patch
<farkuhar> the Perl rewrites should work just fine when called from an external script. There's no interactivity, their behaviour is only governed by command-line options.
<beerman> i'll check it out, would be nice if jaeger and jue would approve to make a switch
<farkuhar> yeah, I'd leave it up to jue whether to replace the bash versions with my Perl rewrites, when releasing the next prt-utils tarball.
<beerman> WARN: ./.signature not found, invalid port directory.
<beerman> not everybody uses signatures all the time, it would be nice if they were optional
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<farkuhar> beerman: my Perl implementation of prtwash is able to handle directories without a signature file. The design decisions are documented here: https://git.sdf.org/jmq/Documentation/raw/branch/master/man1/prtwash.1 (line 110 "Comparison with Other Utilities")
<beerman> right, i'll take another look later :) thanks for your hard work
<beerman> i am looking into marking more danny ports unmaintained
<beerman> farkuhar is the wasi stuff in contrib needed or not needed for firefox? Would you intend to keep them around?
<beerman> also a sidequestion out of pure curiosity: have you looked into wayland only builds as well? https://www.phoronix.com/news/Firefox-116-Available
<farkuhar> beerman: firefox builds just fine without wasi stuff. I don't mind keeping them around, though. It's low maintenance, versus requiring everyone who wants sandboxing to set up wasi-libc++ in their personal overlay.
<beerman> alright, I'll move around them then, thanks. I am not going through all of them as its just too much..
<farkuhar> thanks for the link regarding wayland-only builds of Firefox. I'll look into it soon.
<beerman> sure, i am always glad to see big players make a move
<beerman> i also wanted to take a look at https://peps.python.org/pep-0668/ and maybe implement that as well - feels like a good call to guide users into using venvs if they are so keen to bypass the ports system
<beerman> farkuhar are you up for taking shaderc as well? libplacebo and gst-plugins-bad depend on it. quite frankly, if gstreamer wasn't that fixed set i'd add that to the to-drop-list as well as I am trying to minimize the packages I overtake to leave the field for fresh helpers. We just need to sort through all the contestants applying..
<farkuhar> beerman: sure, I could adopt shaderc. It would be a shame to drop gstreamer and all its plugins, so thanks for continuing to maintain them.
<beerman> not gstreamer as a whole, just plugins-bad which I don't have much use for
<beerman> but sure, you do what you gotta do.. I guess
<jaeger> I don't think I even use prtsweep... maybe as part of the automated ISO build
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<farkuhar> jaeger: it's been a while since I investigated, but I think one of the implications of FS#1313 is that you can get prtsweep-like results (a clean ports tree) just by syncing your repos with git, rather than the default rsync.
<farkuhar> stenur or rmull might know more about that, if they do any building in their ports trees. I just kept using rsync out of habit, only switching to git for the contrib repo.
<farkuhar> it looks as if our git driver performs something like a prtsweep, because the original script by richi was modified to satisfy some concerns of jw: https://lists.crux.nu/pipermail/crux-devel/2008-May/003414.html