speaking of asciidoc, it might not need to be a hard dependency of qutebrowser any more. See the latest changelog.
did i miss that?
under the Fixed section it says "The asciidoc2html.py script now correctly uses the virtualenv-installed asciidoc rather than requiring a system-wide installation." I haven't tested this claim myself, though.
I'll give that a test in a bit
thanks for noticing
while adopting and making changes to contrib/distcc I found an error stating libiberty was not found, which was weirdly fixed after rebuilding binutils
there sure are ways to improve that further, might make sense to include it with prt-utils even
`readelf -p .comment /usr/lib/libiberty.a` does indeed reveal it was built using the older gcc. Nice find, beerman!
i didn't know that, and it's certainly helpful
alright, done with marking romsters ports unmaintained in contrib then
cleanup is good. What timeline do you have in mind for actually dropping the ports marked unmaintained?
i dunno, from my point of view they have been rather unmaintained for a long time, wherever i could i included fixes but i doubt anybody picking them up
a month should suffice twice imo
a month should give any downstream users the chance to copy the ports into their personal overlays, if they haven't already. Sounds good.
although issue 7835 is only loosely related to the need for a systemwide a2x, in that both are instances of the qutebrowser changelog promising more than what actually got shipped.
i guess its something look out for in the next point release or if its a single commit, maybe that
so long its fine to finally switch this over to qt6-webengine
farkuhar: hrmm, no issue with docker-compose here, works both in a container and on the host
beerman: i haven't tried docker-compose yet, but if you were missing $PKG/usr/lib/go/go.env when building go 1.21, why didn't it trigger a footprint mismatch?