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<beerman> opt/talloc gets a race condition over here with JOBS=40
<beerman> adding ((JOBS -= 1)) and adjusting the make call to make -j ${JOBS:-1} solves the issue just fine it seems
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<jue> beerman: why not just make -j1?
<beerman> because I have those cores, but waf is stupid, so granted, -j1 is a safe bet
<jue> ok
<jue> for such a small prog like talloc I wouldn't care about parallel builds ;)
<beerman> granted, its not making a big dent any way ;)
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<jaeger> I've tweaked git gitd rc script on crux.nu a bit to fix the warning/error stenur reported... anyone mind testing that you can clone a repo from crux.nu via git:// rather than ssh?
<jaeger> s/git gitd/the gitd/
<ukky> Just tried cloning crux.nu/ports/core.git via git:// protocol. No issues.
<jaeger> No warning about /root/.config/git/attributes or whatever it was?
<ukky> No warnings, just usual messages.
<jaeger> sweet, thanks for testing :)
<ukky> any time
<jue> beerman: new glslang breaks build of mesa for me, a symlink glslang-> glslangValidator seems to fix the issue
<beerman> jue, oh, i checked a few but not mesa, I'll look into it
<farkuhar> Eight years after they first proposed renaming glslangValidator, it finally comes to pass: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glslang/issues/47 ... Between 2015 and 2019, looks like xorgy became less concerned about the burden on downstream packagers.
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