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<pitillo> thanks chrcav! here steam is working like a charm again with that glibc-32 patch
<beerman> i will push that in a bit
<beerman> i really dislike the way we sideload man pages into opt/btrfs-progs, just to please some people and their weird demands..
<beerman> i will see to enable python3-sphinx optionally and drop the man pages tar file. if jue or jaeger care enough its easy to revert that change but prebuilding a manpages tar file..? c'mon..
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<jue> beerman: what's so evil with that?
<beerman> how am i supposed to update that?
<beerman> its a crux-core tagged port in opt, but it requires me to do a number of extra steps to prepare an update.
<jue> well, it's a bit manual work, of course
<beerman> take a look in a bit when i push my changes and see if that works for you as well
<jue> well, no problem at all, do what you want
<beerman> you are free to revert it but i won't pregenerate a manual tar to sideload it
<beerman> especially for stenur who skips no opportunity to flame against me, even if he is wrong ;)
<beerman> its an upstream decision, really
<beerman> https://crux.nu/gitweb/?p=ports/opt.git;a=commitdiff;h=392cf1dd110c3ea87b69dc3fddee283c11b083f2
<beerman> there you go
<jue> as I said, no problem at all, installing python3-sphinx and all the deps is not a option for me, though
<beerman> not for me either
<beerman> but i am not doing those extra hoops romster did, look where he is, burned out from that stuff he did because he wanted to be nice (imo). see rust-bin for example. Nobody cared for rust-bin once romster stopped providing it.
<jue> tbh, I've stolen the man-pages from arch ;)
<beerman> lol
<beerman> it would still require me to fix up my prtup script I use to build things in a container, to pull their package, and repack the manpages. Also makes us dependent on whenever they update their package.
<beerman> this is a source based distro after all and this way pleases both fractions of people that a) don't want sphinx and can live without man pages b) people that want man pages and can live with sphinx.
<beerman> those that want things without being able to live with a compromise need to look for a solution to their problem
<beerman> bark at upstream would be one way to go
<beerman> but at least now you jaeger and myself can just update btrfs-progs without wasting a lot of time on it
<beerman> and in the end: feel free to revert it, but the way it was I feel like it falls behind the crux-core ports line, and you would probably need to take care of it alone, as I wouldn't touch it anymore
<beerman> jue: compromise idea: if we had a script.. let's say pre-maintainter-run, which would generate that man files tar for us and cleans up after itself, i would incorporate that in my script and build it. even though I think thats.. lets say silly.
<beerman> we already have post maintainer scripts (rust, gtk4, grafana) to clean offending footprint files for example
<jue> no, let's keep it simple, the man-pages are not really important for me
<beerman> agreed
<beerman> btw
<beerman> i assigned that qemu headless ticket to you, since you own opt/qemu
<beerman> https://crux.nu/bugs/index.php?do=details&task_id=1924&project=1 no idea if you would want to do that
<beerman> i don't use qemu at all so i can't speak for or against it
<jue> yeah, saw it
<beerman> ok, thanks :)
<jue> renaming libpixman is a bit problematic cause we have to adjust all dependent, more a thing for our next release at a first thought
<beerman> true
<beerman> we wouldn't really need to wait too long for that either
<jue> yep, that's true
<beerman> i suppose, at least. 3.7 just took way too long :)
<beerman> i could see a 3.7.1 where we upate python3 to 3.11 for example
<beerman> and maybe any other minor changes we would like to see, if any
<beerman> libsdl2 fails with ccache, currently. [ -e '/usr/bin/ccache' ] && PATH="$(echo ${PATH} | awk -v RS=: -v ORS=: '/ccache/ {next} {print}' | sed 's/:*$//')" this line fixes it, as it fails due to calling itself recursively
<jue> hmm, works for me, with ccache
<beerman> mh
<beerman> did you set it up differently to the wiki page romster did a long time ago?
<jue> think no, /usr/lib/ccache is the first entry im my $PATH
<beerman> did you alter that in your profile?
<beerman> but that wouldn't matter, no idea.. https://dpaste.com/FTEFK6Q7L this is the log on my desktop where it is the same as inside my container
<beerman> ah, and its distcc and ccache, not ccache alone
<beerman> my bad ;)
<jue> ok
<jue> have to run now, later
<beerman> laters, would be nice if you could add the line later on
<beerman> export CCACHE_PREFIX='distcc' thats what I have in my pkgmk.conf needed to reproduce that error
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<jaeger> I don't know how difficult it would be to build man pages for btrfs-progs but for docker I build a new set with every release... at least they make it easy
<jaeger> If there's a desire to have the man pages I could probably set up a container for building them for btrfs-progs
<jaeger> I don't have a strong feeling about it. Though I do enjoy the convenience of having a local man page I can always go look it up online if needed
<jaeger> Unrelated, going to see if I can get a plasma desktop wayland session going with tsaop's kf5 repo
<beerman> docker would not really be suited for my lxc container and would still add complexity to at least my workflow. it's not the challenge to generate a man-tar but the complexity is what I reject
<beerman> i would have to make changes to my prtup script, I already catch ports like libreoffice which will trigger a rebuild of harfbuzz and xmlsec before building lo for example. My lo Pkgfile has catches for misconfigured harfbuzz/xmlsec and quits the build early, as configure would already fail to run
<beerman> plasma wayland session should be no problem, sounds like a fun thing to do :)
<jaeger> Like I said, not a strong feeling about it. If you don't want to mess with it, that's fine
<jaeger> I like Plasma *far* better than any of the old KDE stuff... just much smoother and nicer
<beerman> well, messing with it.. it would require building btrfs-progs with sphinx installed, then package those manfiles and saving the artifact in the port directory, then rebuilding the port without sphinx installed and sideloading the man-tar
<beerman> it's not impossible but I am not keen in providing that either ;)
<beerman> yep, agreed, Plasma looks very neat. I only set it up for others, no real experience in day to day use. I tried it on the pinephone but its far to ressource hungry for that :)
<jaeger> I've used it a few times on arch installs but hadn't messed with it on crux yet
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<stenur> oh there was a bug tracker instance of btrfs-progs. i had forgotten. Thanks again jue@ for adding the manual.
<stenur> Yes i asked on IRC but left immediately again. I do not know.
<stenur> (Asked whether they would provide a manual pages ball like git does.)
<jaeger> ok
<stenur> I mean, free some logs of that magic CRUX home server (our syslog can auto-rotate, also based on size. it is great), and install a qemu or i-do-not-know-what with all the software needed to create documentation of core and opt tools which stopped producing manuals. Cool!
<stenur> The fun thing is that i now commit an ipcalc update, where those guys converted a very old UNIX manual to "ronn" syntax, and did it wrong! So now in 1.0.2 you get "updated manual to comply with ronn syntax". Hey RedHat guys, 30bln bucks made you famous! Huhu.
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