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<jaeger> random weirdness with sway and foot on my HTPC - window title fonts are fine but the font in foot is so tiny that I can literally hit CTRL+ 30 times before it's at what would be size=10
<jaeger> This is on a 1920x1080 TV with font=Source Code Pro for Powerline:size=10
<jaeger> I wonder if it's confused about DPI somehow
<jaeger> disabling foot's 'dpi-aware' setting solves this
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<chrcav> It looks like launching steam games is broken due to glibc-32 being built with vectoriztion. See https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/8297 and https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/8302
<chrcav> The following change to add -mstackrealign to the glibc-32 Pkgfile fixes it http://ix.io/4gQX
<chrcav> It looks like arch builds with that flag
<chrcav> I guess vectorization is enabled by default in gcc 12 which is why this new flag is needed.
<jaeger> Hrmm, interesting find. Will test it
<beerman> we have a problem with steam?
<beerman> and foot? :D
<jaeger> I figured out the foot issue... and I suspect it's my TV giving bad EDID DPI info because that's the only system where I run into that problem
<jaeger> And it looks like chrcav found the fix for steam, I'm going to test it locally today
<beerman> neat, i haven't been gaming but i wanted to update the steam-native port to reflect a few changes on their end
<beerman> yep i can see what problem steam had. tried launching a mix between native and wine games
<beerman> after rebuilding glibc-32 with the proposed change the first one immediately starts working
<jaeger> works here as well, tested 2 games