( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) headless sway in a hyperv vm with wayvnc
here's a patch that defines buildflags in the usual way: http://sprunge.us/utHz4p No tabs, though, in keeping with the formatting of the latest Pkgfile in contrib.
did i not use tabs? i am behaving as if romster is not here anymore, weird O:)
i can apply that later, markus also sent a mail about a missing dependency for mpv with x11, i have no system to test that though
i still have not tested the new port (libxpresent) that Markus created for X11 usage of mpv. But i discovered another workaround under X11, using the legacy video driver SDL2, hence the additional optional dependency in my patch above.
i do have a system for testing libxpresent, so i'll try to reproduce that solution as well.
rebuilding mpv with libxpresent installed, i noticed right away the difference while meson setup was reporting its progress (i.e., which features were auto-detected and enabled). The resulting build successfully plays video in X sessions.
no further changes to the mpv Pkgfile (except perhaps to mention xorg-libxpresent on the "Optional/Nice to have" line), but i suggest inserting a sentence like this into the README for contrib/mpv: For video output in X11 sessions you need to install "xorg-libxpresent".
lvm article on xpresent from 2013
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