jaeger changed the topic of #crux-devel to: CRUX (https://crux.nu/) development channel | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-devel/
<jaeger> man... I wonder if syslinux 6.04 will *ever* be released
<SiFuh> Heh
<farkuhar> did anyone else notice that jue committed xorg-libxpresent with a md5sum instead of a signature?
<beerman> doesn't seem like, wouldn't you agree? ;)
<farkuhar> i recall that jaeger asked "what's the fix for mpv?" --- and then followed up with "nevermind, figured it out" --- AFTER jue had pushed xorg-libxpresent into the repos. If that timeline is correct, I find it surprising that the absence of a signature was not detected at the time.
<farkuhar> maybe jaeger has PKGMK_IGNORE_MD5SUM="no" in his /etc/pkgmk.conf, and falling back to md5sums did not trigger an error message.
<beerman> well, it seems that it just came to your attention today, so its not really that surprising for me tbh
<jaeger> I do not use PKGMK_IGNORE_MD5SUM but if the .md5sum was correct, pkgmk wouldn't have yelled about it
<jaeger> Maybe we should consider completely removing .md5sum code from pkgutils in the future
<beerman> agreed
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<beerman> jaeger: do we still need pango-compat and pangox-compat?
<beerman> i am looking at compat ports and this seems redundant on the first look
<jaeger> I have no idea... I'll have to check if they're deps for my stuff or MATE