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<jue> FYI, I've uploaded a new tarball of pkgutils, version 5.40.8, which includes the "rename" feature by farkuhar, see #923, and a new man-page "pkgfile.5" writen by him and fun
<jue> to test it just change core/pkgutils to 5.40.8 and build
<jue> that's a 3.7 feature of course
<jue> TBH, I'm not happy to see that pkgmk is getting more and more complex
<jue> our core.git isn't updated right now, will wait for some featback first
<beerman> jue: cheers! do i like that we have to do it? no. but i don't see a way around it either tbh
<beerman> my feedback in its current form is perfect (and it could be in 3.6 - why would that need to be a 3.7 feature?), i have been using it for quite a while on a few ports and it just works
<jue> well, we are not in hurry at all and you have written it to TODO37 ;)
<beerman> now this catches my tail? damn :P at the time i wrote that on the list i haven't known I'd get the opportunity to work on 3.7 from the first row ;)
<beerman> i try not to hold off on things like that ;) wayland is already fully enabled in 3.6 as is, and thats on the list too :P
<beerman> anyway, thanks farkuhar for the patch! and fun if he were around for his contributions!
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<stenur> But firefox-bin told to, i do not have a single Wayland aware program.
<beerman> jaeger: https://dpaste.com/FW8Z9F5NZ objections if i bring in alternative stand alone kodi versions? i have one for gbm as well
<stenur> jue: the pkgutils repo does not have these changes yet
<jue> stenur: yes, I wrote this above
<stenur> I meant the pkgutils repo.
<jue> stenur: you meant prt-utils, right? :)
<stenur> jue: git://crux.nu/tools/pkgutils.git
<stenur> but that too.
<stenur> I mean i would look, there are quite some things that could be done. That would have to make some sense in the end though. But could this feature is now there, after over a decade!
<stenur> s/could/good/. Of course. :)
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