jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
<pitillo> running st0 again: added openssl, curl and util-linux | ignoring footprints https://dpaste.org/XVOzr
<pitillo> tomorrow morning I'll throw another st1 build on that st0 and I'll review mistmatches (hope the eudev stuff will be fixed)
<jaeger> sounds good
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beerman has joined #crux-arm
<pitillo> after this morning last changes the M1 finished stage1 build with only one error downloading rsync
<pitillo> sepen has applied these changes and added some more (device optimization on device tree for example) in the crux-arm-release repo
<pitillo> this is starting to smell awesome
<jaeger> nice
<jaeger> Also, another handy thing you can do with docker to persist data between container runs is use mounted volumes
<jaeger> Something like 'v $(pwd):/data' to mount the current directory as /data in the container
<pitillo> yeah, I was thinking in mounting a nfs based volume... but as far as I have lot of space locally and probably "harder logic", discarted that nfs thing and started thinking about a local development dir... but I still need more reading time and knowledge (I use volumes on my firsts tests with my personal web running nginx)
<pitillo> lol
<pitillo> sepen just implemented the exit on the Makefile \o/
<pitillo> for both stages... stage0 too.... may be not needed but for a bootstrap is important too... interesting
<pitillo> jaeger: just out of curiosity and if it's possible to know, how many time are you using docker? do you use it on a personal level or on a professional level as well?
<jaeger> I use it a LOT both for work and personal
<jaeger> I do all of my port update build tests in containers in my home lab, for example
<jaeger> pitillo: for crux-arm-release should the main or 3.7 branch be used? I see recent changes in both
<jaeger> Looks like the 3.7 branch has the exit added
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<jaeger> Oh, another question - if both 32-bit and 64-bit releases are desired for rpi3 and rpi4, which should be named 'raspberrypiX.mk' and should the other one be 'raspberrypiX-32.mk' or -64 or something else?
<pitillo> good point, but if no one will maintain 32b work for the rpiX, no need to mess with that. I'm personally focused on 64b on any 64b capable device
<pitillo> if there is someone interrsted inthe 32b release for anybrpiX, I'll vote to add the 32b suffix for them and maintain the name without suffix for 64b
<pitillo> interesting your maintenance work with docker. I can tell you've been using it for a long time
<jaeger> Works for me, thanks
<jaeger> Yes, lots of use. I admit I don't use nearly all its features and I'm not an expert but I use it quite often for my simple tasks :)
<pitillo> jaeger: always 3.7... if I understood it right, we can merge into main any interesting job done (I'd say, for long term support)
<jaeger> OK, cool. Makes sense
<pitillo> not an expert but you have lot of knowledge and experience, that's cool
<jaeger> I should have a 3.7 branch ready for the raspberrypi4-arm64 overlay repo today
<pitillo> niiiice
<pitillo> I'm waiting at the office for people to leave just to poweron the laptop to start updating locally and testing
<jaeger> :D
<pitillo> I'd like to prepare the first generic RC for a arm64
<pitillo> s/a arm64/arm64
<pitillo> we were speaking this morning about how we can handle all the work done in different steps/stages to provide a way to improve optimizations and make them easy to build
<pitillo> I miss CRUX meetings xD
<pitillo> and of course, something I could never do, CRUX con
<jaeger> Those were pretty fun
<jaeger> There's a typo in core-arm64/libgmp
<jaeger> cd gmp-$version}
<pitillo> arf|@#@~|
<pitillo> thanks, I'll fix
<pitillo> done
<pitillo> sometimes I hate to work from the laptop instead of my main machine
<pitillo> have you notice this in your build?
<pitillo> =======> Partial download found, trying to resume
<pitillo> /home/pkgmk/source/rsync-3.2.6.tar.gz.partial: Permission denied
<pitillo> =======> Partial download failed, restarting
<pitillo> Resolving download.samba.org..., 2a01:4f8:192:486::2:3
<pitillo> Connecting to download.samba.org||:443... connected.
<pitillo> /usr/bin/pkgmk: line 108: 16206 Segmentation fault $PKGMK_DOWNLOAD_PROG $DOWNLOAD_OPTS $RESUME_OPTS $1
<pitillo> =======> ERROR: Downloading 'https://download.samba.org/pub/rsync/rsync-3.2.6.tar.gz' failed.
<pitillo> segfault trying to download rsync source... the only one with download problems... and segfaulting
<jaeger> I will test it
<jaeger> no, no problem downloading rsync (using curl)
<pitillo> interesting
<pitillo> just trying to figure out why pkgmk -do is giving that segfault, only with that download
<jaeger> does the download command work manually?
<pitillo> it did for all the other ports, it was just rsync
<pitillo> I'm rebuilding again from a clean and fresh copy with all the lasts change done
<pitillo> do you know if it's possible to check temp from command line on M1 silicon (from what I've read I've only found some GUI apps, but nothing to check from command line)
<jaeger> No idea, sorry
<pitillo> thanks anyways
<pitillo> rsync source moved after last update (all sources are in /src instead of root where we are looking for sources)
<pitillo> https://download.samba.org/pub/rsync/src/ keeps track of all versions
<pitillo> https://download.samba.org/pub/rsync/ only last version
<jaeger> interesting
<jaeger> would expect a 404 and exit rather than segfault
<pitillo> yep
<pitillo> something wrong with my pkgutils for sure, that segfault has no sense with a 404
<jaeger> hrmm, today I get a failure building ncurses from core
<jaeger> errors removing the foot terminfo files, wonder what would have changed
<pitillo> do you have a fresh copy or are you using the one you had?
<jaeger> fresh copy
<pitillo> on stage1?
<jaeger> 0
<pitillo> here I have built st0 without problems
<pitillo> do you have a log?
<jaeger> might be an issue with my volume mount, going to try it in another location
<pitillo> oka
<pitillo> here building locally, fresh copy
<pitillo> not sure if start with st1 because sent me a message about a surprise for this night
<jaeger> yeah, appears to be a volume mount issue, built fine in another location
<pitillo> he has some changes to do on the crux-arm-release
<pitillo> nice nice
<jaeger> ok
<pitillo> st0 here shows no error
<jaeger> It's continuing now
<pitillo> I'll start st1 and look for errors... this is amazing fast, so probably st1 will be built before sepen's changes
<pitillo> goooood
<jaeger> yeah, I'm going to let it run because I'd still like to test a full set of package on the rpi4 :)
<pitillo> yeah!
<jaeger> packages
<pitillo> starting make stage1 2>&1 | tee stage1.log
<pitillo> and watch on the other screen tab to see live errors xD
<pitillo> wtf
<pitillo> /usr/bin/pkgmk: line 108: 9181 Segmentation fault $PKGMK_DOWNLOAD_PROG $DOWNLOAD_OPTS $RESUME_OPTS $1
<pitillo> =======> ERROR: Downloading 'https://download.samba.org/pub/rsync/rsync-3.2.7.tar.gz' failed.
<pitillo> [2022-10-21 19:06:57] - port: /home/pitillo/crux-arm-release/ports/core/inetutils
<pitillo> [2022-10-21 19:06:59] - port: /home/pitillo/crux-arm-release/ports/core/sqlite3
<pitillo> wtf happens with rsync
<pitillo> and why it's segfaulting pkgmk
<pitillo> now the source exists
<pitillo> I don't understand
<pitillo> Resolving download.samba.org..., 2a01:4f8:192:486::2:3
<pitillo> ????????
<pitillo> Connecting to download.samba.org||:443... connected.
<pitillo> Segmentation fault
<pitillo> $ pkginfo -i|grep wget
<pitillo> wget 1.20.3-1
<pitillo> wget bugged
<pitillo> version packaged on 3.6-arm64
<pitillo> bumping it to the last 3.6 version
<pitillo> nop
<pitillo> same issue
<pitillo> $ pkginfo -i|grep wget
<pitillo> wget 1.21.3-1
<pitillo> strace to the rescue... let's see if I can see a clue...
<jaeger> very weird :/
<pitillo> configure: error: Cannot enable m32 personality support
<pitillo> =======> ERROR: Building '/home/pkgmk/pkg/strace#5.19-1.pkg.tar.gz' failed.
<pitillo> fuck
<jaeger> :(
<pitillo> Segmentation fault
<pitillo> wtf is this?
<pitillo> any other source downloads without problem
<jaeger> out of curiosity can you get https://crux.ninja/distfiles/rsync-3.2.6.tar.gz ?
<jaeger> It's not the latest but it's already there
<jaeger> And I just added 3.2.7 if you want to try both
<pitillo> ooooooh
<pitillo> I can see something
<pitillo> ca certs
<pitillo> done
<pitillo> with current 3.7 ca--certificates no problem
<pitillo> let's see with last 3.6 ca-certs
<pitillo> no, it isn't neither
<pitillo> I was downloading strace source instead of rsync
<pitillo> please, can you put 3.2.7 jaeger?
<jaeger> It's there currently
<pitillo> let's see
<pitillo> no problem
<pitillo> I need to deep in strace log....
<jaeger> very weird
<pitillo> I don't understand wtf is happening
<jaeger> I have no idea, sorry
<jaeger> Never seen that
<pitillo> updating openssl
<pitillo> should be there something buggy
<pitillo> it's a crazy behavior
<pitillo> at least, it's a fucking pleasure to rebuild anything
<pitillo> was openssl
<pitillo> from 1.0.1h to 1.0.1q
<jaeger> agreed, great when it's fast
<jaeger> ah, good to find the problem, at least
<pitillo> yeah... that segfault smell to something buggy
<pitillo> going on stage1 again....
<pitillo> procps from overlay gives a mistmatch on st1
<jaeger> yes
<pitillo> let's see what to do with it
<pitillo> without overlay, mistmatch with core port on st0
<pitillo> I'm going ahead on st1 to finish a full package build
<pitillo> and check for more errors if there are
<jaeger> same, I removed the exits for now
<pitillo> I've cutted down the ports.stage1 file.... all until procps (included)
<pitillo> if there is something wrong, I hope the exit tells about that at least and don't get another port cascade failure like happened with eudev
<pitillo> let's see if steam works xD
<pitillo> just for the wait...
<pitillo> procps overlay to trash
<pitillo> no procps build on st0 so on st1 we'll use upstream and it builds without problems