hey jaeger, let me check (not sure if those lines are currently changed with last sepen's changes)
sepen did a lot of changes to the release Makefile
I'd like to start testing them
I'll speak with him about GH actions to review rpi4 repo
started a new fresh build with last night changes and if all goes right, I'll start testing optimizations with built rootfs at st0 to verify all these last changes
btw, on the other hand, pine64 kernel built 6.0.3 with a full support defconfig... now I'm trying to trim the config file
cubieboard2 is working on a optimized build too. Fixed a bug which was blocking glibc update (AS was getting wrong FLAGS and tried to build some objects with arv6t support and was broken at linking stage, so fixing them and now glibc 2.36 is built fine there... this smells very well)
for the chromebook I have built 3 kernels (upstream maintained 3.4 and 3.8 which introduces a regression, and 3.18 which apparently doesn't support chromebook snow), And the last try was a 4.14 kernel which is supposed to support chromebook but no one has built it... with some research at code I was able to build it and now I need to take the next step, u-boot image creation and installation
jaeger: with the last changes done on crux-arm-release, if I'm right, lines 113-114 must take hosts FLAGS and use them for the build (which may be aren't the same for the optimization desired, so may be it can be improved to take them from other point?)
I-m checking that the deploy.yml is the same as other repos... not sure what could be happening
I'll try to ask sepen about it
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I'll have to do some more runs from scratch to see how it goes, looks like a lot of changes to the Makefile... but with that said, I still see the pkgmk.conf and prt-get.conf from core-arm being copied into the rootfs
Maybe I'm just misunderstanding the intent there but as it stands, it seems to me like a user installing the "optimized" rootfs will have the unoptimized pkgmk.conf (CFLAGS/MAKEFLAGS) and prt-get.conf (no optimized overlay) until they reinstall pkgutils and prt-get from the optimized overlay
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yes jaeger, it seems that there is a copy of wrong files at release generation (we are copying generic conf files instead of optimized ones) but that's only on the release build stage (rootfs build)
those lines need some love to check for the optimized files in case we are building an optimized release
currently sepen is fixing stage0 and stage1 target/objectives dependencies (I believe those are fixed now)
he has changed the way we are building ports in both stages (as you have seen in these last changes)
this morning we were speaking about the problem we faced with curl (built in st0 and linked with host's openssl breaking source downloads at stage1)
there were some options and we spoke to take away the source download step from stage1 to avoid this situation, in this way, sources will be downloaded before starting stage1 (chroot)
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