jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
<pitillo> hey, morning!
<pitillo> not sure if anyone is still using CRUX-ARM, but I'd like to share the last changes done
<beerman> heyo, i am
<beerman> on and off, still haven't gotten around the pinephone yet
<pitillo> we have moved ports from rsync to httpup, but if all things are going as expected, this should be transparent
<pitillo> yo beerman!
<beerman> :D
<pitillo> good fight with the pinephone 8)
<pitillo> xD
<beerman> haha it shouldn't be bad, at least thats what i hope/imagine
<pitillo> sepen did a lot of changes, moving the entire infrastructure from a CRUX server to docker containers and Github for development
<pitillo> the main idea is perform the way the comunity (all of us and anyone else interested) can contribute to this project
<pitillo> for me is a big change because I'm used to do thing as they were done until now....
<pitillo> but I feel that github can help to maintain ports and allow people to contribute to the project
<pitillo> I've never used github... but I think it's a lot easier to perform changes, to allow others check our work and improve or fix it
<pitillo> we'll see hot this goes... I hope better than before
<pitillo> if you see any problem (specially with the last ports change) or if you have any suggestion, don't doubt to share them
<beerman> using ci and stuff?
<beerman> that would be great
<beerman> its something i am wishing for for CRUX.nu as well
<pitillo> sorry beerman, I don't know what's ci
<beerman> continuous integration. basically, building a port inside a docker container and returning the built package
<beerman> on push or something
<pitillo> not yet, but that was proposed by sepen
<pitillo> I like it, but I don't know how well could be
<beerman> great
<beerman> well, you can't possibly get all cases basically
<beerman> but
<beerman> for plain builds it would be fine
<pitillo> I mean, that the ci is great, but pushing without testing...
<beerman> for cases imagine harfbuzz, with or without graphite2
<beerman> oh no
<beerman> i would still build them locally
<beerman> also
<beerman> prior pushing
<beerman> the workflow could be to make a pull request which could be built
<beerman> then when it returns clean it can be merged
<pitillo> yeah, for testing purposes sounds perfect (adding/removing deps, changing options....)
<pitillo> yeah, that's the way to go. In this sense, github avoid us a lot of management tasks.... so this means more time to be focused on the important part
<beerman> yep
<beerman> also people could download the built "artifacts" (packages) and sideload a prebuilt package
<pitillo> I believe, that we'll be improving the way we "must" work... and it's easier in this way
<beerman> yep
<pitillo> sepen told me the same beerman.... we can work with packages... and maintaing them could be really easy in this way
<beerman> it just needs a good container setup, with persistant storage for built packages and probably cache
<beerman> 👍️
<beerman> i saw sepen is getting more involved again :)
<beerman> pretty dope
<pitillo> and locally managing them with pkg-get could be a good point for specifics devices
<beerman> its something i said in #crux-devel and the mailing list i believe one or two times
<pitillo> I don't know the exact requeriments... but sepen had an idea to mix work between github and SF... and it really sounds amazing
<beerman> but i have never gotten around to it
<beerman> SF? really?
<beerman> all i can say is that "free CI hours" on github, gitlab, etc are limited for free accounts
<pitillo> yeah, he got some spare time and make his magic.... he did the migration this time and explained me a lot of things (I'm still asimilating them and reading a lot of documentation... github is amazing... and docker another amazing world)
<beerman> true true
<beerman> we might switch to a local gitea
<pitillo> SF for storage I believe (I don't know if we can do CI in our devices as CI nodes for free)
<beerman> :82 runs nginx instead of apache
<beerman> we could still archive the same with mirroring official repos to gitlab/github/wherever
<pitillo> gitea seems interesting too, but why depend on a local service if we can use the cloud?
<beerman> well
<beerman> i guess independence to a certain degree
<pitillo> yeah, it gives pros and cons really
<pitillo> but don't maintain local services (or at least he minimal ones) give us more time
<beerman> yeah its true, but gitea is pretty much zero effort once its setup, i run my own as well
<beerman> and neither jaeger nor me are good with apache so we are switching crux.nu to nginx sometime in the future
<pitillo> sounds good... I've moved to nginx as proxy cache with apache backwards... but crux-arm.nu currently runs with dockerized nginx
<pitillo> (time to take dinner and move to work, I'll follow you later)
<beerman> alright, i gotta jump too, have a few things on my todo list
<beerman> laters :)
<beerman> have a good one!
<pitillo> thanks! same there&#-#-@&@
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