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<mort> Hi! I have a BeagleBoard x15. What's the software story? The official image download page looks a bit lackluster with old kernels and only XFCE etc, are there community maintained images or support in mainstream distros or something?
<jakllsch> where are you looking?
<jakllsch> 2023 doesn't seem that old to me
<mort> The latest there is a Debian from 2023 with Linux 5.10
<mort> well we're coming up on 2 years, a lot has happened in that time, especially wrt graphics
<mort> if that's the latest and there aren't community images with later kernels etc then that's fine, I'll make do
<mort> separate but related question: what do I do if I wanna run from an SD card? The SD images on the download page are even older, the only current images are eMMC flashing images
<mort> Can I just tweak a uboot script and maybe fstab in the image file or should I resign myself from not running off of SD card
<set_> mort is a cool name.
<set_> I say keep it.
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<set_> Anyway, no joking. I hope someone can help you. I must be silent now!
<zmatt> mort: there's a more recent snapshot at https://forum.beagleboard.org/t/debian-12-x-bookworm-monthly-snapshot-2023-10-07/36175 ... both eMMC flasher and uSD
<zmatt> no xfce though, just minimal/iot
<zmatt> not sure why all of these images are so ancient...
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<ds2> is Yocto more upto date?
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