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<set_> @zmatt: Would I need to use mmap or a or two PRU chips to transfer data from/to ADC from/to UART on a server? If that does not make sense, okay. I can try to better desribe what I am doing...
<set_> I have some server application. It runs a python3 file. Within the file, I call a UART within the file. I was going to call an IIO file from/to the application file that runs the server but...
<set_> 1. The server never runs and/or the server says it is running but never comes online.
<set_> 2. I am in the development server settings for Flask again.
<set_> 3. For whatever reason, the ADC/IIO SS is not playing nice with the UART.
<set_> End game here: When the ADC reports output of less than 0.43v, the UART does something different, i.e. failsafe mechanism for a bot.
<set_> So, instead of reading a vat or pool of fluids, I am reporting back a voltage of space and when the voltage gets low enough, which does state the "space" is too close, the bot reacts.
<set_> It stops and then returns to a previously known location.
<set_> Anyway, Friday Funday and all that mess, I can wait until later for a reply if you or anyone else replies. So, patience is a new idea for me. Waiting until further notice or further testing on part is a thing now...
<set_> Also...
<set_> ds2: I took what you said into consideration about the LiDAR.
<set_> I have one that does not work at 3.3v or 5v for now. I can show you the source if necessary.
<set_> I can get it to report nothing or an else statement which is just a failsafe for no data.
<set_> I mean...with source, yes, it can be done. But is ADC to UART allowed on the am335x supported BeagleBone Black?
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<set_> So, I need to "make up" a buffer of sorts.
<set_> And have data feed the buffer for translation.
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<set_> @zmatt: Do not laugh but here...
<set_> I found some of it on
<set_> I got it to work, not really, but tried.
<set_> I cannot get the "messages" to print to server yet.
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<set_> Here is the error to output on the terminal: Unable to create IIO context Function not implemented (38)
<set_> Is trigger not available?
<set_> No matter if it has a port or not, I receive that error (38).
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