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Dear All, I have a question regarding boot up process for OSD335x-SM based custom board. The board has an SD Card to boot from as well as a eMMC (blank) as backup. Currently the board is unable to boot from the sd card as it seems the ROM code is unable to find the MLO/U-boot files in the raw mode. We have taken the latest IoT SD Card Image for
Pocketbeagle as well as Uboot 2022.02 version. On connecting via UART0, and uploading spl/u-boot, I observed that the u-boot is unable to find mmc0/mmc1 on mmc rescan/mmcinfo commands. Is it possible that this is related to hardware/wiring problems ? We see signals on mmc0_datX as well as mmc0_clk pins till we boot into UART mode and then it stops.
Thank you.
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