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<set_> It may not be me. I saw recently the demos and tutorials section of the docs. for the BY-AI has been taken down.
<set_> Maybe there is a change taking place that needs updating...
<set_> Who knows? Maybe I can try another board and see how far I get...
<set_> I checked the udev rules on the board. It seems the udev rules are for older boards relating to /sys/class/gpio/gpio*.
<set_> I change the udev rules handling the gpiochip* in /dev/ and then I get busted with segmentation faults and no movement on the motor.
<set_> This is my error so far: /etc/udev/rules.d/85-gpio-noroot.rules:17 Invalid key/value pair, ignoring.
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<set_> just an update here...I cannot use the BeagleY-AI for GPIO purposes for this driver. The BBB works for the driver, though!
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