<set_> lucascastro: I am still searching for another motor and another BC547...
<set_> I know I had one around here somewhere. I may have to outsource.
<lucascastro> but the transistor is ok, you should measure the A+ A-, B+ B- output, if nothing out there
<lucascastro> the motor should be the problem
<set_> Okay.
<set_> voltage and/or ohms or another test?
<set_> I found another motor and a BC547 for the step pin.
<set_> I guess the driver is bad.
<set_> I bought three bad drivers.
<set_> Blah.
<set_> Oh.
<set_> So, 0.0v at A +/- is normal?
<set_> They say...
<lucascastro> The led between the transistor and port
<lucascastro> is blink, right?
<set_> Right.
<set_> It blinks.
<set_> They say enable from controller and OPTO from controller too.
<set_> On that link, they are saying the negative and positive are connected to the EN and OPTO.
<set_> But, that is from the controller they are saying.
<set_> damn it. I think everything is fine. My bench supply for power and GND is starting to give me issues.
<set_> I will try another route.
<set_> This motor is heating up too.
<set_> No clue now.
<set_> This driver is making me dumber than most days...
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<set_> anyway. no issue. I will get a different driver...
<set_> Hopefully.
<lucascastro> the motor is heating up?
<lucascastro> so there's current over it
<lucascastro> ??
<lucascastro> my idea it was disconnect the motor and check it'll detect voltage where the motor is plugged
<lucascastro> if true is going everything fine and the motor is the problem .
<set_> Okay.
<set_> I am testing anoter route right now. I will return service soon. I am not using the BC547 right now and using EN and OPTO.
<set_> as soon as a run the simple file, PY file, the PSU shuts down.
<set_> Then, I stop the PY file from running and the PSU starts up and runs fine.
<set_> I give up for now. I am beat.
<lucascastro> and runs?
<lucascastro> the motor?
<set_> No.
<set_> The motor never turns.
<lucascastro> got it.
<lucascastro> if you make another try, just measure the output voltage to the motor.
<lucascastro> with the motor disconnected
<set_> Okay.
<set_> So, I run the source with the motor disconnected and measure the output voltage.
<set_> Okay. Brb.
<set_> I will do it.
<set_> I am getting 0.3v on this driver.
<set_> on A +/- and B +/-.
<set_> let me switch the source...
<set_> So, I switched the source to on and toggle.
<set_> The GPIO12 on the Y-AI is an ON switch via the OPTO and GND to ENABLE from the Y-AI.
<set_> So...
<set_> GPIO12 = ON = OPTO && GPIO6 = GND = ENABLE
<set_> Sorry. That is incorrect.
<set_> GND on controller is ENABLE on the DRIVER.
<set_> Sorry.
<set_> GPIO on controller is OPTO on the Driver.
<set_> That should set the driver on/off.
<set_> Then, I have another GPIO on controller that toggles the Direction without Stepping.
<set_> The A +/- on the driver is 0.3mA.
<set_> The B +/- on the driver is 0.3mA.
<set_> I should have about 600mA right?
<lucascastro> What is expected. When the GPIO is HIGH, the motor should torn
<lucascastro> ?
<lucascastro> turn
<set_> I expect the motor to turn when the ENABLE is ON and the DIR is I/O.
<set_> Is this a falsehood?
<set_> I mean, I am incorrect thinking this will work?
<set_> I will try the PUL pin next. I do not think it is the controller. Let me test the controller too.
<lucascastro> I don't know about the driver.
<lucascastro> not exactly
<set_> Me neither. The more I read and reread, the more I think they are guessing...
<lucascastro> review the paper
<lucascastro> I guess should signaling on PUL and DIR
<set_> No issue. I appreciate you trying with me here.
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