<set_> Not that...
<lucascastro> the controller and motor circuit use different circuit.
<lucascastro> for security reason.
<set_> Okay, okay, okay. I get it.
<lucascastro> so it should be different GND .
<set_> Oh!
<set_> Hmm.
<lucascastro> but btw, it may share
<set_> That is my dilemma.
<set_> I have 5v/GND (from the level translator) and 12v/GND (from the PSU).
<set_> The board/controller is powered via USB for networking only and then I supply GPIO pins via some logic.
<set_> Blah. Let me try it...
<lucascastro> that circuit driver is really good that you can use biased direct to the BBB
<set_> No, so. If the driver GND and level translator GND are the same, what happens then?
<lucascastro> the GPIO isn't 5V
<lucascastro> ?
<set_> Right!
<set_> Who knows? Right...
<lucascastro> if not just use btj
<lucascastro> bjt
<set_> I will attest to the driver working in this configuration but only after it works. For now, I am getting negative feedback.
<set_> Please hold if you are still enjoying our chat...
<set_> Sorry.
<lucascastro> I'm good.
<set_> Okay. I had to test the wires first. I am plugging everything in now!
<lucascastro> ok
<lucascastro> the one I own it's just a unl2003
<lucascastro> uln2003
<lucascastro> afk
<lucascastro> 20min
<set_> okay.
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<set_> Hold on. Plugged in the wrong board. Blah.
<lucascastro> Can't get it.
<set_> Not yet.
<set_> I have a fault on the driver.
<set_> I put it on 6.8v at 1.0A and it blinks green.
<set_> I put is on 12v 0.1A and it blinks green and red.
<set_> Red signifies a driver fault.
<set_> It should just be lit green constantly as it being On and without error.
<set_> I got closer. The motor did not overheat!
<set_> My source logic is off. I updated the kernel and image to a newer one. I had to pick the pieces up.
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<set_> I am still alive...
<set_> Look here: https://pastebin.com/27L35bPX is the source.
<set_> It is supposed to turn while it turns until I say turn off.
<set_> The driver is not faulty any longer. It was my PSU. It is busted up a bit.
<set_> it is like a old Zenith.
<set_> A whack here of there...
<set_> Should that even have to be called? I mean...there are output already.
<set_> Hmm. Let me try...
<set_> Must be the connection. Oh well.
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<lucascastro> I'm back
<set_> Me too!
<set_> So, I listed some source. The source just calls one direction.
<set_> The one direction in python3 is the DIR connection via a GPIO.
<set_> Oh!
<set_> Hmm. Impossible.
<set_> I cannot make an amp. My GPIO is not 5v.
<lucascastro> so you need the amp or MOSFET
<set_> I guess...
<lucascastro> to shift to 5V.
<set_> I am not sure.
<set_> Right.
<set_> Dang it.
<lucascastro> Take a look the diagram
<set_> I could not find those tools right now. I am lucky I found the logic level converter so far.
<set_> Okay.
<lucascastro> you really dont need the 5V from bbb
<set_> I have another 5v source.
<lucascastro> But you need the 5V to VCC
<set_> to OPTO.
<set_> Right?
<lucascastro> and the signal on Pul/Dir
<set_> Right.
<lucascastro> using a btj
<set_> So, I am stuck with some 5v, random board?
<lucascastro> just to right the on/off schema
<set_> BJT, got it. Okay.
<set_> That is what I was saying. I do not know where they are right now.
<lucascastro> That's all ready implemented on DM332T
<set_> Okay.
<lucascastro> MOstfet or BJT really works fine
<set_> I have a BJT somewhere. Oh!
<lucascastro> is just an on/off circuit
<set_> Let me check. Right. A switch sort of...
<lucascastro> and the signal requirement voltage is the saturation voltage for BJT/MOSFET
<lucascastro> BJT is drive through current and FET through voltage.
<set_> I think I found one.
<set_> I cannot read it. Too tiny...my mag glass is bogus!
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<set_> HC547
<set_> Hold please.
<lucascastro> but 3V should be really good
<lucascastro> GPIO can activate it easely
<lucascastro> easily
<lucascastro> HC or BC
<lucascastro> Base biased to GPIO
<set_> UC
<set_> I cannot tell. Please hold. Let me get a better look at it.
<lucascastro> the saturation is 0.5mA
<lucascastro> measure the voltage on GPIO output
<lucascastro> when high and the put the related resistor to get 0.5mA
<set_> HC547.
<set_> I am not even sure where I got this HC547 from. Maybe Fairchild?
<set_> Hmm.
<set_> Okay.
<set_> Got you.
<lucascastro> I didnt find about hc547
<lucascastro> only bc547
<set_> Hmm.
<set_> Let me double check.
<lucascastro> My doubt is about 0.5mA through bbb
<set_> Might be a BC547.
<set_> Right.
<lucascastro> so 0.5mA
<lucascastro> but I really guess it's not required that much.
<lucascastro> because it's just to turn on the internal "led"
<set_> Aw.
<set_> I read the manual. I thought they needed some high mA. Let me double check.
<lucascastro> The mA is not required by the DM332
<lucascastro> but the saturation for Base BJT
<set_> Oh.
<set_> Okay.
<lucascastro> the beta is equal 100
<set_> excuse me. I need to break. BRB...
<lucascastro> so 0.5mA on base it'll drive 0.5mA*100 on Vce
<set_> I see there is a 2mA gain at 5v on the datasheet (if this is the part I have currently).
<set_> Blah.
<lucascastro> if 0.5mA through base
<lucascastro> it'll allow 100mA through Vce
<lucascastro> and that's so much
<lucascastro> = 5.0 V
<lucascastro> Figure 9. Collector Saturatio
<lucascastro> not exactly 100mA, but almost there.
<set_> Oh and A-Okay. I am reading now.
<set_> I am learning how to place this piece in a circuit. I only have one. ARgh...
<lucascastro> just one BJT?
<lucascastro> DM332T has PUL/DIR/ENA ports.
<set_> Okay.
<set_> Yea.
<set_> One.
<set_> Okay so, I need a 10k from the base and 1k from the 12v supply?
<lucascastro> That's bad
<set_> Oh?
<set_> I can use direction in this method?
<lucascastro> Where are you using 5V ?
<set_> Not step but dir?
<set_> OPTO.
<set_> for starting the driver.
<set_> Then...
<lucascastro> and 12V?
<set_> into DIR on the driver.
<set_> 12v from PSU to driver
<set_> But DIR on the driver will need to base of the BC547.
<lucascastro> Vdc port
<lucascastro> ?
<set_> Notta.
<lucascastro> 12V on Vdc?
<set_> I got 5v to OPTO. it is a 12v to 5v translator.
<set_> 12v and GND from PSU.
<set_> 12v and GND from PSU to 5v 10A on translator.
<set_> all to driver
<lucascastro> just try.
<lucascastro> should work.
<set_> sharing gnd from controller/PSU/driver/level translator.
<set_> I have one breadboard on all GNDs.
<set_> I already tried. Oh wait. With the BC547?
<lucascastro> not share.
<lucascastro> the controller you mean the BBB
<lucascastro> ?
<set_> yes.
<lucascastro> not share.
<set_> Oh. But where does the GND from the BBB get grounded?
<lucascastro> They don't share the circuit and that's good.
<set_> I have two GPIO pins and no VCC.
<set_> Okay.
<lucascastro> the bbb only need to active the BJT
<set_> okay. Let me look for resistors.
<lucascastro> not directly share, cause the BBB is plugged on translator, right?
<set_> No.
<set_> Well, sort of.
<set_> I have a translator board on the BBB.
<set_> A Cape/Hat...whatever.
<set_> Y-AI.
<set_> I am bypassing usage of Cape/Hat to use two GPIO pins only.
<set_> Now, just one pin. Dir.
<set_> I think.
<set_> Hmm.
<lucascastro> i dont know the Y-AI
<set_> No big deal.
<set_> It is a board by beagleboard.org.
<lucascastro> ok
<lucascastro> I got
<lucascastro> because I was mentioning the BBB
<lucascastro> it's the one have.
<lucascastro> got it
<lucascastro> but GPIO to Base connection
<lucascastro> BJT(Colletor) to PUL|DIR|OPTO
<set_> Right.
<set_> Wait.
<lucascastro> BJT(Emiter) to GND
<set_> I am not using PUL any longer.
<set_> I only have one BJT.
<lucascastro> not used port you could direct bias to the vcc to avoid problem.
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<set_> Should...
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<set_> Should I put the OPTO pin from the BJT instead of my 12v to 5v supply translator?
<set_> I see yes is the answer.
<set_> Just double checking here.
<set_> Ut oh.
<set_> I see now.
<set_> Sorry.
<lucascastro> The OPTO should be connect to Vcc/12C or 5V
<lucascastro> the BJT(Collector) should be connect to PUL|DIR|ENA
<lucascastro> BJT(Emitter) to GND and Base to GPIO pin
<set_> Okay and done for now. Please hold.
<set_> Let me power this thing...
<set_> I got it at 14.8v 1.4A.
<set_> Notta.
<set_> Not motor movement.
<lucascastro> but what happened?
<set_> Do I need enable?
<set_> Notta.
<set_> Nothing so far. I have nothing connected to test.
<set_> Just some randome motor.
<lucascastro> the beaglebone output is high?
<set_> High and Low as OUT. Yes.
<set_> It switches.
<lucascastro> do you have some led?
<set_> in the source, it switches to a couple of seconds HIGH and 10 seconds LOW.
<set_> yes.
<set_> Maybe my motor is busted?
<set_> Hmm.
<set_> let me shutdown, apply the LED, and reboot.
<lucascastro> connect the led between PUL|ENA|DIR and BJT Colletor
<lucascastro> it must blink
<lucascastro> if the circuit is ok
<set_> okay. Please hold,
<set_> Hmm.
<set_> Dang it. So, continuity works on the motor but the motor does not move. The LED works fine.
<set_> I did not even enable it. I just applied power to the PSU and the LED started to get lit.
<lucascastro> The circuit is ok then
<set_> Maybe Enable needs to be connected.
<set_> I do not know. Let me test enable and DIR without STEP.
<lucascastro> I don't know.
<lucascastro> but the circuit is ok.
<set_> I am testing now.
<set_> No, it is enabled by default before the controller can handle it.
<lucascastro> now you can ensure that's good.
<lucascastro> Enable signal: This signal is used for enabling/disabling the drive. High level +5V (NPN
<lucascastro> control signal) for enabling the drive and low level for disabling the drive. PNP and
<lucascastro> Differential control signals are on the contrary, namely Low level for enabling. By default it
<lucascastro> is left UNCONNECTED (ENABLED).
<lucascastro> it's enabled by default
<lucascastro> unconnected
<set_> Why would a motor pass a continuity test and not work as expected when rotations are needed?
<set_> Okay.
<set_> There is something I am missing.
<lucascastro> I really dont know
<set_> Hmm. Okay. no issue.
<set_> i will test it further
<lucascastro> I recommend you investigate the output
<lucascastro> voltage
<lucascastro> that biased you the motor
<lucascastro> biased to*
<set_> Okay.
<lucascastro> try to let the controller output HIGH for long time and investigate the output.
<set_> So, so I need to see about the four wires...
<set_> Okay
<lucascastro> without be connect to the motor
<set_> Oh!
<set_> Okay.
<lucascastro> motor is connected to the PS2?
<lucascastro> P2?
<set_> P2?
<set_> Yes.
<set_> PSU?
<lucascastro> DT332 P2
<set_> No clue.
<set_> What is P2?
<lucascastro> investigate the A- A+, B- B+
<lucascastro> output
<set_> Okay.
<lucascastro> with nothing connect
<lucascastro> with nothing connected
<set_> Gotcha and A-Okay. WIll do.
<lucascastro> Just investigate, if the output is synced to GPIO, it'll mean the problem is the motor.
<lucascastro> I need to sleep. Midnight right now.
<lucascastro> See you soon
<set_> Okay.
<set_> Later for now.
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<set_> and to think...faulty motor. Sheesh. No wonder the machine was giving me issues.
<set_> silly. Sheesh.
<set_> I guess if it melts internally, it must be resituated once again...
<set_> lucascastro: Here...
<set_> Danger Will Robinson!
<set_> Also...maybe I did not allow for the DIR to set up properly.
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