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<Guest4494> For toggling GPIOs using python, is Adafruit's library still the way to go?  Or is there an alternative since Adafruit's attention on the BB seems to have diminished?
<zmatt> pretty straightforward to just use pure python...
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<zmatt> (using named gpios here requires that you have an udev rule that created symlinks in /dev/gpio/: )
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<zmatt> *that creates
<Guest4494> Thank you zmatt.  That's just the kind of thing I was looking for.
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<DoubleA> everything works but there is an issue where when the audio plays on the speakers the beginning is cut off and the end is cut off
<DoubleA> is it due to the buffering, delay or a lack of a certain component in my command?
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<Guest48> hi
<Guest48> anyone here ?
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<DoubleA> hello
<DoubleA> hope everyone is having a great day
<DoubleA> I have an inquiry regarding the playback of the songs from MPC and its issue with cutting audio from the beginning and pausing/ending the song before it actually concludes. Is there a limit that i have to adjust or is it just a consequence of buffering?
<DoubleA> the song is three minutes long
<DoubleA> so i assumed it wouldn't be an issue
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<Guest4494> I've been playing with the gpios with a relay attached to one.  I notice that when I set the direction to out ('echo out > direction' for any gpio under /sys/class/gpio/gpioXX) it seems to immediately turn the gpio on (is that considered high?).  The value is 0, and if I change that to 1 it is turning the relay off.  IOW, it seems backwards.
<Guest4494> Is that expected?  Or does it suggest I have something wired backwards?
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<zmatt> Guest4494: 1. when changing a gpio to output you should write the initial level, either "low" or "high" to the direction attribute... writing "out" is a synonym to writing "low"
<zmatt> and depending on how you wired up your relay it's entirely possible for it to be turned on when the gpio is low
<DoubleA> I have an inquiry regarding the playback of the songs from MPC and its issue with cutting audio from the beginning and pausing/ending the song before it actually concludes. Is there a limit that i have to adjust or is it just a consequence of buffering?
<zmatt> Guest4494: there's actually an "active_low" attribute you can set to 1 to invert the meaning of the value attribute for such situations, i.e. when active_low=1 then value=0 will correspond to a high level of the gpio and value=1 will correspond to a low level of the gpio
<zmatt> DoubleA: my guess would be it just has to do with how pulseaudio-dlna works
<DoubleA> could there be a limit in the configuration file perhaps?
<Guest4494> zmatt, active_low seems to be the key.  I wonder if that was created because such situations would seem to be confusing.  In my case, setting the direction to low/out immediately causes the normally-open side of the relay to close.  Setting active_low = 1 appears to prevent this, as you said.  Thanks.
<zmatt> DoubleA: it's possible there are options that can be tweaked to influence this, but some of the buffering is likely to be in the clients (your google home speakers)
<Guest4494> I do wonder why active_low is necessary.  Is that ultimately a kernel behavior?
<zmatt> Guest4494: it just depends on your hardware setup
<zmatt> e.g. in your case, whether your relay is active when the gpio is high or when the gpio is low depends on the details of how you hooked up that relay... similarly in other situation it may vary which gpio level is the "active" level
<zmatt> the kernel has no way to know this obviously unless you explicitly tell it, which you can do via the active_low attribute
<zmatt> DoubleA: maybe there's a way to force mpd or pulseaudio-dlna to keep streaming audio (silence) even when mpd isn't playing anything
<zmatt> that won't get rid of the delay, but at least it'll avoid any audio getting cut off at the start/end when mpd starts or stops playback
<zmatt> it's also not encouraging that pulseaudio-dlna appears to be unmaintained since 2017
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<DoubleA> i did lots of research regarding forcing mpd/pulse audio to keep streaming audio but unfortunately i found lots of forums taking about another server client
<DoubleA> rythmbox to be percise
<DoubleA> zmatt do you happen to know what command can be used to perform the task of forcing the player to keep playing?
<DoubleA> i searched the list of commands and it seems vague
<DoubleA> play <position>
<DoubleA> nothing else comes close
<DoubleA> consume perhaps?
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<Guest34> hello can I get a solidworks prt file for the beaglebone black