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<Guest80> Hi, I'm having trouble detecting an i2c device, does anyone have experience with getting i2c to work on beaglebone black?
<zmatt> Guest80: to get useful feedback it'll help to provide more details
<zmatt> like, what kind of device, what error are you getting, etc
<zmatt> which pins (in general it's easiest to use i2c1 on P9.19 (scl) + P9.20 (sda) since that bus is configured by default)
<Guest80> So I'm working with a BNO055 Magnetometer, and I've got it connected to pins 19 and 20 on p9, and when I run i2cdetect I don't see the address for the Magnetometer in either 1 or 2
<zmatt> do you have adequate pull-ups (to 3.3V) on your bus?
<zmatt> (e.g. a 4.7 kΩ pull-up on each of the two lines)
<Guest80> I'm not really too sure, could I test to see if it works by connecting the resistors on the two lines?
<zmatt> yep, one between SDA and 3.3V and one between SCL and 3.3V
<zmatt> 4.7 kΩ or whatever you have lying around that's the same order of magnitude
<zmatt> unless the device already integrates pull-ups of course, then it's superfluous to have additional ones
<Guest80> got it, I'll give it a shot
<zmatt> also beware of i2cdetect. i2c is not a discoverable bus and i2cdetect is consequently not a reliable way to confirm the presence of a device, unless you know for a fact that i2cdetect is known to work for detecting this specific part
<zmatt> it can also just confuse a part and not get any answer... I've ever encountered an i2c device that would get so confused by i2cdetect that it would subsequently refuse to reply to anything until power-cycled
<zmatt> *even encountered
<zmatt> anyway, I need to do shopping, I'll be back in a bit
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<Guest80> It doesn't look like it's detecting it
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<zmatt> Guest80: what is "it" ?
<zmatt> how are you trying to "detect" it?
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<zmatt> also, are you using a particular breakout module for the BNO055 ? if so, which?
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<Angel_Sosa> Hello I have pasted a back trace that I am getting on several Beagle bones that started after an uprade. I have pasted the back trace on pastebin what is the next step? In advance I apologize if this is a low end question or appealing to the wrong forum?
<zmatt> share the link to the paste?
<zmatt> (i.e. the url of the page you get after clicking the "Create New Paste" button at the bottom of the form)
<Angel_Sosa> Great thank you
<zmatt> looks like something to do with the TIDL firmware
<zmatt> it's saying the EVE units are doing invalid accesses to some peripheral on the the L4_PER3 interconnect
<zmatt> (the traceback is completely irrelevant)
<zmatt> this will have no ill effect on the linux system, but obviously does indicate some sort of issue with TIDL... I've never worked with TIDL myself so I don't know if this causes any actual issues
<zmatt> (if you don't care about TIDL then using a non-TIDL image or removing the TIDL firmware will solve this traceback)
<Angel_Sosa> I will re- image with non-TIDL or remove the firmware which ever is easier and produces the cleanest results. How did you know it is referencing TIDL?
<zmatt> because nothing else uses the EVEs
<zmatt> certainly not on a fresh image
<Angel_Sosa> Got it
<zmatt> reimaging with non-TIDL is probably the easiest way to ensure all TIDL-related stuff is gone
<zmatt> the non-TIDL image also has a more recent kernel than the TIDL one I think
<Angel_Sosa> Just to make sure these are images that are available at the beagle bone website
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<zmatt> yep those are the latest official images
<Angel_Sosa> ok cool
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<Angel_Sosa> And I see the difference thanks you so much for the guidance
<zmatt> oh I see now that the non-TIDL version only has an eMMC flasher and not a standalone image... interesting
<zmatt> (you generally want to flash to eMMC anyway)
<Angel_Sosa> I agree. I stepped away for a second
<rcn-ee_> TIDL is stuck on v4.14.x..
<Angel_Sosa> Yep it is. I was also trying to avoid an image with GUI components to use as much of a light image as possible.
<rcn-ee_> console/iot is the best for you..
<zmatt> I mean, if you want the most lightweight image there's the "Console" image
<zmatt> (if you're comfortable with installing whatever packages you need yourself)
<rcn-ee_> the bullseye image is pretty light as i'm rebuilding it from scratch at the moment..
<rcn-ee_> zmatt, will be happy connman isn't installed. ;)
<rcn-ee_> nmcli weights about the same final package size... unlike before..
<zmatt> depends on what's used instead :D
<Angel_Sosa> I am used to setting up linux literally from scratch
<Angel_Sosa> connman is ok
<zmatt> rcn-ee_: honestly I haven't used nm in ages either, all systems I use (server, laptop, embedded) use systemd-networkd
<rcn-ee_> Angel_Sosa, connman isn't well supported in Debian anymore, the main developer is busy on other things..
<rcn-ee_> zmatt, i had you in mind with systemd-networkd, nmcli leaves you alone as long as you set it up in /etc/network/interfaces..
<zmatt> what does /etc/network/interfaces have to do with either of those? I don't even have that file
<zmatt> (on my own systems)
<Angel_Sosa> you right I a minimalist
<Angel_Sosa> my self so where can I find bullseye image
<Angel_Sosa> you have me interested
<rcn-ee_> daily snapshots..
<rcn-ee_> main things done... Auto microSD resize (takes 1 reboot) and auto ssh regeneration on first boot.. I'm still configuring the defautl usb0/usb1 gadtets, but the new loader is way faster..
<Angel_Sosa> I'll give that a try as well
<rcn-ee_> please let me know how it works for you, i'm happy with the base, but i need to merge in all the udev rules, etc..
<rcn-ee_> it's also 5.10.x based, so bugs might pop out.. ;)
<zmatt> are all relevant drivers forward-ported to 5.10 ?
<rcn-ee_> for the bbai, no... for the am335x, it's mostly mainline remoteproc...
<Angel_Sosa> They may be but I would have to consult with the device tree. I have been working with a couple of boards for a while. I am getting deep into the boot process.Actually I would liket
<zmatt> pinmux-helper/config-pin ?
<rcn-ee_> Not installed, but i fixed the pinmux bug.. so config-pin will work again..
<rcn-ee_> before it goes final, i do want to rename all the P8_xy names like you wanted..
<zmatt> okay so this image comes with significant caveats :P
<zmatt> ah the names of the pinmux nodes? yeah that's purely cosmetic of course
<rcn-ee_> Login in 15seconds right now. ;) switch to bone 5.14.x i've seen 5-7 seconds. ;)
<rcn-ee_> drop initrd, it's down to 2-3..
<zmatt> why is initramfs-tools installed anyway? I don't think it's been needed for anything since kernel 4.9 or something like that?
<zmatt> removing initramfs is generally one of the first things I do to speed up boot
<rcn-ee_> it's needed for overlayroot users..(a systemd compabitle version of Read Only root..) the kernel shouldn't requre it anymore..
<rcn-ee_> i know at one point, you pointed out we had a few linux-image* that depeneded on it, that should be long gone..
<zmatt> yeah I noticed you removed the dependency
<zmatt> prior to that I solved the problem by installing a dummy initramfs-tools package
<rcn-ee_> Really, it was to make sure the *.dtbo's where in memory on bootup (v3.8.x -> v4.15.x) for kernel overlays, which are not used taht way..
<zmatt> ah, kernel overlays... right, those were a thing that existed :D
<rcn-ee_> i can't wait till someone tries 3.8.x on Bullseye, it's going to fail pretty bad, as 3.8.x doesn't come close anymore to the default requirements. ;)
<zmatt> so uio-pruss didn't forward-port cleanly? what's the last kernel version does has it? I'll take a look to see if I can fix it
<zmatt> iirc it's a pretty trivial driver
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<rcn-ee_> zmatt, after v5.4.x era..
<rcn-ee_> i thought one of the GSOC students was working on pru on remoteproc.. Now that remoteproc is pretty much mainline i hope we coudl eventually use one default..
<rcn-ee_> GSOC - "UIO" on remoteproc...
<zmatt> I don't even know what that would mean
<zmatt> remoteproc and uio are fundamentally different and deeply incompatible approaches
<zmatt> remoteproc has the kernel in total control of pru, uio has userspace in total control of pru
<zmatt> pruss as a whole I should say
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