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<maz> robher: m1 mini doesn't require anything outside of upstream.
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<Clem> Hello, do you know if testing low speed interface drivers' (uart, spi, i2c) in loopback is sufficient ? I am trying to understand how people are working to validate their developments. + with growing test automation framework is there any mean to test such interfaces ? What I found during my researches is very limited and I think I need some advice from community in this area. Thx !
<broonie> Clem: For SPI loopback testing is probably fine, though it might be hard to arrange on off the shelf hardware. I2C I don't think physically loops back that easily.
<broonie> In general I think most people are testing the controllers as part of a full system (ie, if they can control devices connected over the relevant interfaces or use the UART as a console or whatever).
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<Clem> broonie: I understand that in a whole system you test the communication between each component you integrate but when it come to test a SPI/UART/I2C driver you want to upstream and you don't know with wich component it will be in communication with, what is the best way to do so ?
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<broonie> Clem: If you're a controller vendor testing you probably already have some setup for hardware testing?
<broonie> To a large extent the answer is "whatever makes you comfortable".
<Clem> broonie: I am trying to identify the best way to do so and try to find the state of the art in term of test for this area. I just discovered about syzkaller/syzbot but it does not cover any of my cases for communication interface so trying to figure out what is the best
<broonie> I think the "whatever test system you actually have" is broadly the state of the art here, for SoC vendors that'll often be their reference board.
<Clem> Yes indeed, thank you for your help !
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