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* ukleinek wonders about drivers/irqchip/irq-riscv-imsic-early.c:52:9: error: too many arguments to function ‘riscv_ipi_set_virq_range’ in linus/master
<conchuod> linus' fault ;)
<conchuod> He was told about it in the PR
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<ukleinek> conchuod: ah, Linus didn't take the suggested merge resolution from it seems.
<conchuod> Yeah. Palmer sent a patch for it:
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<ukleinek> perf is somehow strange,
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<palmer> Ya, I guess I'll pick it up this morning unless the irqchip people have
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<broonie> ardb: Did you manage to reproduce that FP issue or was the fix done purely from inspection?
<ardb> broonie: no i managed to reproduce it
<ardb> with the fio test running concurrently with a couple of instances of fpsimd-test
<ardb> that way, it reproduced within a minute for me in a VM running on a M2 mac
<broonie> Ah, cool. What hardware were you using? I never managed to get it to trigger.
<broonie> Right, thanks.
<ardb> i imagine it would be rather easy to reproduce by adding a schedule() in kernel_neon_end()
<broonie> Yes, probably.
<ardb> however, the kernel mode failure is not as easy to hit as the usermode one
<ardb> i.e., 19 out of 20 times, it would be fpsimd-test failing not fio
<ardb> the kernel side only fails because we do the cpu binding thing
<ardb> which may result in fpsimd_save_user_state() writing its state to the kernel mode buffer
<broonie> Right, there will have been some unnoticed userspace corruption going on in other cases but fpsimd-test aggressively going out and looking for problems made it more obvious.
<broonie> dmart is probably right that we should do the kernel mode binding earlier.
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<dmart> broonie: Do you think there is an actual bug there? It depends on what kinds of interrupts / preemption can happen, but I hadn't figured it out.
<broonie> dmart: I can't think of a specific issue that currently exists but it feels like even if one doesn't exist now one will at some future point.
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<dmart> broonie: See what ardb thinks, I guess. I'd vote for moving the _bind_to_cpu() to the sched-in path unless there's a clear reason why not...
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