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<broonie> pinchartl: Not exactly. All current types will write in ascending register address order, though there was some talk of Soundwire doing the I/O in a way that might result in reordering.
<pinchartl> broonie: I was wondering if I can rely on the ordering
<broonie> Currently you can - why though?
<pinchartl> I'm working on a driver for an I/O expander and it's important at system resume time to set up the output level and bias before the GPIO direction
<pinchartl> I don't know if it's a matter of chance or not, but restoring registers in ascending order is safe
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<broonie> pinchartl: You're probably fine, and if we want to change it there'll probably be some fragility somewhere we have to look into.
<pinchartl> broonie: thanks
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