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<ukleinek> broonie: thanks, this is a free-time project, so I won't promise anything, but I wrote down the hints
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<mwalle> ukleinek: fwiw, i've used the simple audio card with a layerscape soc and a wm8904 and an external mclk clk source, see arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/fsl-ls1028a-kontron-sl28-var3-ads2.dts
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<pivi> Hello, I was wondering, is it ok to send a dt-binding addition with no driver implementing it (a driver patch will come later on)? krzk ?
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<krzk> pivi: rather not, at least not without some explanation (e.g. for third party projects, but then might need to be added to dtschema). Please send a binding and an user.
<krzk> if only people used channels dedicated to the topic... like asking about DT in #devicetree channel...
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<pivi> krzk: thanks for the answer - and thanks for the head-up on the #devicetree channel
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<geertu> krzk: So if I run into you in a bar, I can only talk about beer?
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<oldgalileo> Does anyone have insight on whether it's bad practice to hit the CPU with a flood of SMC calls? It seems like in the Linux OP-TEE driver there's no delay and I'm using this as a rough reference to speed up some bug fixing in EDK2
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<phh> oldgalileo: imo yes it's bad practice, because it has a high cost, and that cost is increasing over time with speculation&co mitigations
<broonie> OTOH if you actually need to do the SMC calls they're not going to get any faster by spacing them out. In general you want to do as few SMC calls as possible but the issue is doing the calls rather than anything else.
<oldgalileo> phh: Wow thanks for the quick answer. That was sort of my intuition. I have absolutely /zero/ sense for what a reasonable-length stall might be. Is there any common wisdom for determning sensible stall times?
<phh> well I agree with broonie. there is no point in stalling
<phh> unless your "stalling" here implies bigger batching
<oldgalileo> broonie, phh: That makes sense. I don't think there's a hope of batching in this case.
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